SEASON OPENING: Hortus Musicus

Saturday 26. September 2020 at 17:00 - 18:30

Arvo Pärt Centre • Kellasalu tee 3, Laulasmaa, Estonia

Online ticket sales has ended

Ensemble Hortus Musicus
Conductor Andres Mustonen

Contributing Jaanika Kuusik (soprano) and Toomas Vavilov (clarinett)

Due to the sudden illness of the violinist Vadim Repin, there have been changes to the program of the Arvo Pärt Center’ season opening concert on September 26. We do hope you will still want to take part of the concert. However, should you wish sho, we’ll refund the tickets. For more information please write: [email protected].

The new programme for the season opening concert:

Tõnis Kaumann (1971)
„In paradisum“ (2019)
In memoriam Gia Kantšeli

Tournai missa (u 1300)
Agnus Dei

Salamone Rossi (1570–1630)
„Al naharot Bavel“ / „Paabeli jõgede kallastel“ (1622)

Galina Grigorjeva (1962)
„Na ishod“ / „Lahkumisele“ (1999)
Ne speša Не спеша / Aeglaselt

Arvo Pärt (1935)
„Sei gelobt, du Baum“ (2007) for baritone, violin, gittern and double bass
„Von Angesicht zu Angesicht“ (2005) for soprano, baritone, clarinet, viola and double bass

Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643)
Madrigali guerrieri e amorosi, Libro VIII (1638)
„Lamento Della Nimfa“ SV 163

Anthony Holborne (1545–1602)
„Süit“ (u 1599)

Gia Kantšeli (1935–2019)
Psalm (1993)

Tõnis Kaumann
„Ave Maria“ (2013)

The third concert season opening of the Arvo Pärt Center will feature the ensemble Hortus Musicus, whose repertoire is characterized by a lively intertwining of early music and contemporary music. This time, too, the music will bring listeners from the Middle Ages to the present day. The programme will have musical fragments from various Renaissance authors like Salomone Rossi, Anthony Holborne, and Claudio Monteverdi, as well as contemporary works by Arvo Pärt, Galina Grigorjeva, Tõnis Kaumann, and Gia Kantšel, who passed away last year. Soprano Jaanika Kuusik and clarinetist Toomas Vavilov will be contributing to the concert as well.

NB! Please do not visit the concert when You are ill. If You're unwell please let us know at least one hour before the concert ([email protected]) and we can refund the tickets.

Arvo Pärt Centre • Kellasalu tee 3, Laulasmaa, Estonia

Google Map of Kellasalu tee 3, Laulasmaa, Estonia

SA Arvo Pärdi Keskus

+372 335 3000