Go Go Gorgeous

Monday 11. September 2023 at 21:00 - 22:00

Doors. 20.30

Heldeke!, Tallinn

Online ticket sales has ended

Proudly presented by the Tallinn Fringe Festival.

Performer: Gógó Starr & Miss Mokki & Mr Gorgeous
Genre: Burlesque
Language: English
Duration: 60 min
Tickets: starting from 22€
(On the door: 29€)


Three cabaret friends and collaborators plan to blow minds and maybe other body parts around Europe. GoGoGorgreous is a travelling variety show that highlights the feel of New York and Reykjavík’s variety scenes. Performers are Gógó Starr, Mr. Gorgeous, and Miss Mokki.

The show is a modern twist on the golden age of variety, where grotesque humor meets sexy comedy. The towering star of New York's downtown variety scene, the indeed gorgeous Mr. Gorgeous (Mr. Exotic World 2013, NYC Burlesque Hall of Fame) hits town accompanied by the mesmerizing Miss Mokki (The Undisputed First Lady of Icelandic Burlesque) and the fabulous Gógó Starr (Reykjavík's Forever Queen of the Drag Scene), it's an outrageous and entertaining hour with the heart of a circus and the soul of a showgirl.

IG: https://www.instagram.com/margretmaack/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/mokkiburlesque

Wilfredo A-Go-Go from margrét erla maack on Vimeo.

Heldeke! • Tööstuse 13, 10413 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Google Map of Tööstuse 13, 10413 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

