Tuesday 12. December 2023 at 19:00

Tartu Uus Teater

This event has been cancelled

Ģertrūdes ielas teātris (LV)

“The Lost Songs” are songs of the world and insecurity, dreams and reality, the small and the infinite, and the ever so important ability to retain the joy of life of a warm July on a chilly October morning. It is a performance about our readiness to delve deeper, to look at the customary through another’s eyes, to accept that which we do not understand. It is an invitation to share a dream about the longed for and necessary tomorrow.

A dance performance that expands beyond the visible body, using voice and music as an integral part of corporal expression. Partly tap dance, partly hip-hop battle, The Lost Songs is a playful ballad for better future performed by captivating duo.

NB! The performance is in English.
More information:

Artist trio is composed of choreographer and dancer Agate Bankava, performer and musician Artūrs Čukurs, and theatre director and dramaturg Andrejs Jarovojs. Being accomplished professionals on their own right together they examine the interest in collaborative artistic practice and create works that expand beyond border of specific genre. This partnership explores ambiguity of today’s reality combining critical perspectives and childlike playfulness.

Andrejs Jarovojs has studied directing at the Latvian Academy of Culture and is the artistic co-director of the GIT since 2009, as well as its resident stage director. Jarovojs is a seeker of new theatrical forms and means of expression who always explores the language, signs, space, time and communication with the audience in his works. His performances have been repeatedly nominated for the Latvian Theatre Award Spēlmaņu nakts, and in 2021 he has received this award for “Powerful conceptual experimentation that results in innovative forms of contemporary theatre”.

Idea: Agate Bankava, Artūrs Čukurs, Andrejs Jarovojs
Director: Andrejs Jarovojs
Performers: Agate Bankava, Artūrs Čukurs
Music: Jānis Burmeisters, Artūrs Čukurs
Movement: Agate Bankava
Text consultant: Anna Belkovska
Vocal consultant: Beāte Zviedre
Producer: Theatre Ģertrūdes ielas teātris
Duration: 1:00
Premiere: 27/10/2020

Created with the financial support of the State Culture Capital Foundation and Riga City Council.

Tartu Uus Teater • Lai 37, 51005 Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia

Google Map of Lai 37, 51005 Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia

Tartu Uus Teater