Garage48 Future of Wood 2020

Friday 13. November at 18:00 - Sunday 15. November 2020 at 20:30

Doors open at 17.30

Estonian University of Life Sciences

Online ticket sales has ended

Welcome to Garage48 Wood series 4th event, happening on Nov 13-15th in TARTU, Estonia! 💚

The growing community of people and organisations around the Garage48 Wood event series keeps growing and is now bringing one of the most anticipated Garage48 makeathons to Tartu - hosted by Estonian University of Life Sciences as a part of the celebrations of 100 years of academic forestry education in Estonia.

Garage48, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Academy of Arts and Startup Estonia invite you to create the future of Estonian wood and forest!
The rich forests that cover more than half of our country are one of Estonia’s most valued natural resources with high natural and ecological value and play a highly important role in economic, social, ecological and cultural aspects of our daily lives.

The forestry sector of Estonia has a strong profitable potential of material and social benefits. Yet its use has to be facilitated so that other values and benefits, including environmental, would not suffer.

Architects and product designers, wood technologists, engineers and industry practitioners, forestry experts, climate and environmental experts, software engineers, designers and data scientists, marketers and visionaries - join us and come together to create prototypes of novel solutions for sustainable forestry and efficient forest management.

You can join with or without an idea, as an individual or a team!
We're welcoming students, working practitioners, experts and enthusiasts!

🦎🦎 Prize pool up to 10 000€! 🦎🦎



🌿 Solutions to fight the CLIMATE CHANGE and that are ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY

Think of solutions that support the maximum use of one tree once it’s cut down.

for example, think of:

  • remote sensing opportunities in forest management
  • how to process and use forest felling or assembly lines data for the better availability of forest resources


📗 Open Source Wood / Pattern Building CHALLENGE.
💰 Prize pool up to 8000€!
Metsä Wood, Estonian Academy of Arts and Harmet invite the participants of Future of Wood to design house products and components to integrate 369 Pattern Building system.

📗 Estonian Woodhouse Association & Estonian Woodhouse Cluster CHALLENGES.
💰Prize pool up to 1500€!
✦ Carbon footprint calculator for a building's whole lifespan
✦ Weather- and moisture proof wooden houses assembyl
✦ Joint production waste management system across the sector

Dedicated challenge mentors will work with you throughout the 48 hours. Read in more detail from the special challenge subpages on event webpage.

To make all your ideas, both physical and software, in the mentioned focus areas a reality, we will provide you with all the necessary materials, data sets, mentors, rooms and equipment. The workshops of the Estonian University of Life Sciences are ready for the magic of the wood makeathon!

🦎 Detailed info about challenges, machines & equipment, agenda, get ready and mentors on event webpage:

🦎 Stay updated with updates by following the Facebook event:

🦎 Contact us if you have any questions at [email protected].

Your health is important to us - we follow the regulations and advice from the Government of Estonia and Republic of Estonia Health Board. Please do not attend the event, if you are feeling ill or you have been feeling bad during the last 14 days or been in close contact with COVID-19 positive person.
If you're attending the event, please download and use the Hoia app.

If necessary, we are ready to modify the event structure in a way, that the health and safety of all participants, organizers and mentors is guaranteed.
‼️ In case of cancellation of the event, all tickets are refunded.


Garage48 Future of Wood 2020 is financed by Estonian University of Life Sciences, Startup Estonia, European Regional Development Fund and Estonian Academy of Arts. We are supported by Metsä Wood, Harmet, Thorn Engineering, Creatomus Solutions, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Tartu city, Rothoblaas, Estonian Woodhouse Association and Estonian Woodhouse Cluster.

Estonian University of Life Sciences • Kreutzwaldi 1, Tartu, Estonia

Google Map of Kreutzwaldi 1, Tartu, Estonia
