Thursday 31. March 2022 at 13:00 - 16:00
Kai Art Center, Tallinn
Gallerist Master Course Spring Seminar 'One-Medium and Single-Artwork Galleries: Getting Started, Challenges and Reception' will take place on Thursday, March 31st. With the main focus on running one-medium and single-artwork galleries, the course will be led by experienced Lithuanian contemporary art experts Kristina Mizgirytė-Kryžauskė, gallerist of the (AV17) Gallery, and Dr. Aušra Trakšelytė & Milena Černiakaitė, gallerists of apiece gallery.
This half-day intensive seminar is open to MA students who are interested in contemporary art or who have previously worked in the field of contemporary art, as well as to practicing gallerists, curators, art dealers, culture organizers, and artists.
Organized by the Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center (ECADC) biannually since 2012, the Gallerist Master Course aims to provide participants with knowledge of the dynamics inside the art world. The course offers professional training in art management, curating, and gallery management for both practicing and novice art professionals.
The Gallerist Master Course Spring Seminar will be held at Kai Art Center (Peetri 12, Tallinn, Estonia), and the working language of the course is English.
Schedule of the Spring Seminar:
1pm–2pm: One-Medium Gallery – Challenges and Achievements
Lecturer: Kristina Mizgirytė-Kryžauskė
Established in 2011 by Kristina Mizgirytė-Kryžauskė, the (AV17) Gallery is the only Lithuanian gallery that exclusively exhibits contemporary sculpture, objects, and installation art. Her talk will address the challenges of establishing a private gallery focused on one medium in the emerging art market. Running the gallery includes the presentation of contemporary art to different audiences, encouragement of the perception and interest in it, and contributions to cultural policy and the economy.
2.30pm–4pm: Running a Single-Artwork Gallery: apiece Gallery Experience
Lecturers: Dr. Aušra Trakšelytė & Milena Černiakaitė
Dr. Aušra Trakšelytė and Milena Cerniakaite, founders and curators of the Lithuania-based gallery apiece, share their experiences initiating and running a single-artwork window gallery: the concept and implementation, curatorial issues, artist selection, funding, reviews, and critical feedback. During the presentation the lecturers will give a brief overview of their professional backgrounds, providing an insight into the context behind their journey towards becoming gallery founders. The lecture will also discuss the independent (non-profit) art scene in Lithuania and its dynamics, with a special focus on challenging issues such as social, economic, and art-political layers within the Lithuanian contemporary art infrastructure.
More info on the course and lecturers:
The Gallerist Master Course Spring Seminar is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Estonian Ministry of Culture.
Kai Art Center • Peetri 12, 10415 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia