Friday Night Comedy🤣 Open Mic
Start the weekend right🔥! Come have a blast and enjoy some laughs 🤣 at the Three Sisters in Den Haag @threesistersdenhaag with our Friday Night Open Mic 🎤
Whether you're a comedy connoisseur or just looking for a fun night out, this open mic is the perfect spot to find the next great talent!
Grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy the show as local comedians take the stage. Who knows, you might discover the next big comedy star right here in Den Haag! Don't miss out on a night filled with humor and good vibes. See you there!
Tickets are selling fast, so grab yours before they're gone!
This is a free event, so reserve your spot before the room fills up!🎊
😎The fun starts at 19:30.
Sarath Gopinath @sarathnotsarah
Sid @sidcracksajoke
Paola Raadsheer @paezra
Diego Loiacono @diegocentric__
Elissa Khawli @elissawithjokes
Tito Liebowitz @Titoliebo
Angus Pere @anguspere
Olav Bus @olavolaugh
MC: Cid Clementine @cidnyclementine
#comedyclub #lol #lmao #standupcomedy #comedyshow #humor #comedy #standup #fun #funny #cidnyclementine #threesisterspubdenhaag #denhaag #thehague #netherlandscomedy #thingstodoindenhaag #livevents #nightout #laugh #friends #standupcomedy #comedian #quipsandbitscomedy #expats #englishcomedy
Brought to you by Quips And Bits Comedy @QuipsAndBitsComedy
The Three Sisters Pub Den Haag • Plein 22, 2511 CS Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands