Sunday 4. May at 11:00 - 14:00
Tokyo Comedy Bar (TCB), 渋谷区
Please see that date to purchase tickets or see the following month.
Tokyo Comedy Bar has lots of stand-up comedy shows…but we also love improv!
TCB’s Intro to Improv Course is comprised of three 3-hour workshops that will teach you the fundamentals of improv: what it is, the importance of being attentive and accepting, and how to build performances with your fellow players. The skills practiced in this workshop apply not only to comedy and performance but also public speaking, presentation, working collaboratively, and general soft skills. No previous improv or performance experience required!
Led by experienced improviser Jon Sabay (of Tokyo Comedy Bar’s D&D show “Roles for Initiative” and the two-person longform improv show “Bob and Jon”), TCB’s Intro to Improv course will familiarize you with the fundamentals of improv through games and exercises. Be ready to move, play, and have some fun while acquiring new skills!
This is a ticketed course - please buy tickets in advance.
If you have any questions, or are an experienced or visiting improviser hoping to do our intermediate drop-in workshop, please email us at: [email protected]
The participation cost is ¥10,000 for the entire 3-workshop course (a total of 9 hours over three weeks).
Participants will become eligible for the weekly drop-in intermediate improv workshop upon completion of Intro to Improv.
Participants who have paid for the course but are unable to attend may attend workshops during the following month’s Intro to Improv course.
Tokyo Comedy Bar has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and discrimination. Participants are not to touch each other without consent. All folks - all genders, all races, all sexual orientations, all everything - are welcome.
★About Tokyo Comedy Bar★
Tokyo Comedy Bar is the home for stand-up comedy in Japan, offering shows in both English & Japanese! And offering 8 taps of craft beer to boot! We have shows each night of the week, plus comedy courses to help you get started on the stage - check the schedule and come on down! We are easy to find too – just 30 secs from Shibuya station.
Directions/Map here:
We have English shows every night of the week. Please check the full schedule here:
Tokyo Comedy Bar (TCB), 150-0043 渋谷区, 東京都, Japan