Saturday 17. December 2022 at 19:00 - 22:00

Cathouse Concert Hall, Tallinn

Online ticket sales has ended

Gruusia YouTube’i sensatsioon Trio Mandili esmakordselt Eestis!
Venemaa rünnak Ukrainale on bändi mõjutanud nii, et ta annab regulaarselt heategevuskontserte, mille tulu läheb täielikult Ukrainast pärit puudust kannatavate sõjaohvrite abistamiseks.
Laupäeval, 17. detsembril klubis Cathouse Concert Hall (Tartu mnt 17, Tallinn) annab Trio Mandili heategevuskontserdi.
Sel õhtul esitab Gruusia Trio Mandili unustamatuid lugusid täis iseloomulikke vokaalseid harmooniaid.
See heategevuslik kontsert on suurepärane võimalus kuulda neid kolme kaunist häält.
Aga saab ka laulda, käsi plaksutada ja sellest esinemisest osa saada!

Georgian YouTube sensation Trio Mandili, which has been conquering the Internet with its music for several years and making the world a little more beautiful, can be seen in Estonia for the first time!
The Russian attack on Ukraine has affected the group in such a way that it regularly performs charity concerts, the proceeds of which go entirely to help needy war victims from Ukraine.
On Saturday, December 17, the band will give a charity concert in Tallinn.
This evening the Georgian Trio Mandili will perform unforgettable songs full of characteristic vocal harmonies. This charity concert is a great opportunity to hear these three beautiful voices live. But you can also sing, clap your hands and be part of a group!

Cathouse Concert Hall • Tartu mnt 17, 10117 Tallinn, Harju, Estonia

Google Map of Tartu mnt 17, 10117 Tallinn, Harju, Estonia

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