Tallinna Linna Digikaksiku konverents 2024

Neljapäev, 12. september kell 09:00 - 17:15

Tallinna Loomaaed • Ehitajate tee 150, 13522 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Piletimüük internetis on lõppenud.

Tule saa osa suurepärasest võimalusest ammutada teadmisi ja mõista, kuidas digitaalne kaksik kujundab meie tulevikku. Tallinna Strateegiakeskus on valmistanud Sulle terve päeva täis põnevat ja harivat sisu, mis aitab sul mõista digitaalse kaksiku olulisust nii kohalikul kui ka rahvusvahelisel tasandil.

Come and be part of a great opportunity to learn and understand how the digital twin is shaping our future. Tallinn Strategy Management Center has prepared a full day of exciting and educational content for you, which will help you understand the importance of the digital twin both locally and internationally.

MILLAL? WHEN? 12.09.2024

KUS? WHERE? Tallinna Loomaaia konverentsiruum, Tallinn Zoo, Ehitajate tee 150, Haabersti linnaosa, Tallinn


🕗 09:00 Kogunemine ja hommikukohv
🕘 09:30 Päeva avasõnad ja tutvustus - abilinnapea Margot Roose
🕘 09:45 "Emilia-Romagna Data Valley as a common good: from data to Digital Twin." Speaker Mr Paola Salomoni, regional minister for Education, University, Research and Digital Agenda of the Emilia-Romagna Region
🕘 10:10 "Unlocking Urban Efficiency: Harnessing the power of Bologna's Digital Twin and Traffic Data Analysis". Speaker Filippo Dalla
🕓 10:30 "Production of Digital Twin Solutions in Vilnius City: Experience, Challenges, and the Future" Speaker Dominykas Petronis
🕓 11:00 “UK National Underground Asset Register: the power and opportunities of data standardisation” Speaker Dr Neil Brammall
🕘 11:30 "Underground infrastructure overview" PwC

🕘 12:00 Lõunapaus

🕘 13:00 "Digital twins & data ecosystems - a perspective of Forum Virium Helsinki" Speaker Lauri Lemmenlehti, Specialized planner, Executive office, City of Helsinki
🕓 13:30 "Agile user-centered experiments on digital twin platforms." Speaker Tiina Talvitie City Geodesist at City of Helsinki, M.Sc.
🕓 14:00 "Bologna Digital Twin: building the geometrical model". Speaker: Chiara Dellacasa, Mirko Degli Esposti

🕓 14:30 Kohvipaus

🕓 14:45 "‘The city is a social-physical-digital ecosystem" Roland van der Heijden Program manager Digital City, Municipality of Rotterdam
🕓 15:20 "Twin Systems: The end of the Beginning. An overview of digital twins lifecycle for the built environment" - Dr. Erika Parn, Senior Research Associate, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
🕓 15:45 "Project "Ditens", energy and heat transition and digital twin of vineyards" - Uwe Wössner, head of the HLRS Visualization Department

🕓 16:15 - Kohvipaus

🕓 16:30 - "Design of workflow and data flow for 3D digitisation of Tallinn city buildings and creation of detailed 3D models" Hexagon
🕓 17:15 - Konverentsi lõpp

Ära maga maha võimalust saada osa sellest unikaalsest konverentsist! Registreerumine tagab sulle koha 12. septembril Tallinna Loomaaias toimuval konverentsil. Kohtade arv on piiratud. Korraldaja jätab endale õiguse teha kavas muudatusi

Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of this unique conference! Registration guarantees you a place at the conference on September 12 in Tallinn Zoo. The number of places is limited. The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the schedule

Tallinna Loomaaed • Ehitajate tee 150, 13522 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Google Map of Ehitajate tee 150, 13522 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Tallinna Strateegiakeskus

