14.12 kl 19 Tallinna Pühavaimu kirik
Susanna Viktoria (torupill)
Kammerkoor Avis Animi
Dirigent Danny Zhizhong Xie
Ootame teid kogema jõuluaja rahu ja rõõmu kammerkoori Avis Animi kontserdile, mis on inspireeritud psalmi 23 sõnadest „Issand on mu karjane“. Põimides muusikat nii rahvamuusika traditsioonidest kui ka vaimulikest tekstidest, mõtiskleme lohutuse, juhtimise ja lootuse üle. Meenutame ka Tema kutseid alandlikele karjastele, kes olid esimesed, kes tunnistasid jõuluimet. Kontserdil kõlab ka kütkestav torupillimuusika, mida esitab Susanna Viktoria, aidates meil rännata avaratele karjamaadele, kus ootame Kristuse sündi suure ootusega.
Come experience the peace and joy of the Christmas season with a choral concert inspired by the beloved words of Psalm 23, "The Lord is my Shepherd". Weaving together music from both folk and sacred traditions, we reflect upon the comfort, guidance and hope of the Good Shepherd, reminding us of His calls to the humble shepherds who were among the first to witness the miracle of the Nativity. This concert will also feature the evocative sounds of the bagpipe, as played by Susanna Viktoria, who will assist in transporting us to open fields of pasture, where we await in anticipation the birth of Christ.