Rebuilding Ukraine: the role of private and public sector

Neljapäev, 11. mai 2023 kell 13:00 - 16:00 EET

Citybox Tallinn · Online


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Ukraine has experienced significant political and economic challenges in recent years. The country has suffered political instability, corruption, and conflict, leading to a deteriorating economy and infrastructure. As Ukraine seeks to rebuild and move forward, the role of both private and public sectors is crucial. This seminar will explore the various strategies and actions required to rebuild Ukraine, highlighting the importance of collaboration and cooperation between private and public sectors.

The seminar aims to bring together stakeholders from various sectors to discuss the opportunities and challenges of rebuilding Ukraine. The objective is to identify actionable steps that can be taken by both the private and public sectors to accelerate the country’s rebuilding process and stimulate economic growth. Additionally, the seminar will explore the legal and regulatory framework for doing business in Ukraine, including company registration, taxation, and intellectual property protection. Understanding the cultural and business norms in Ukraine is critical for success, and this seminar will provide valuable insights into communication styles, relationship building, and negotiation tactics.

This seminar will take place in Tallinn on the 11th of May, 2023. The event will be open to all businesses representing a variety of industries and sectors.

NECC members – free entrance
Non-members: 25 €

Agenda and other info can be found:

Citybox Tallinn • Laeva 1, 10151 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Google Map of Laeva 1, 10151 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Norwegian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce
