Quote on quote ehk räägime sellest

Neljapäev, 23. mai kell 19:00

beta black box • Narva maantee 2, 51009 Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti

Piletimüük internetis on lõppenud.

"Quote on quote ehk räägime sellest" on Sigrid Savi ja Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia tantsuõppe eriala III kursuse tantsulavastus.
Tuuakse välja kogutud tsitaate tantsuerialastest teostest, mis on olnud ühest küljest nii vahendiks protsessis, kui samuti saanud lavastuse materjaliks.
Tsiteeritakse ka iseendeid.
Luuakse ruumi, kus on võimalus endalt küsida, millele vastandutakse ja millega nõustutakse või kuhu ennast üldse paigutatakse.
miks üldse lavale minna, miks liikuda, miks mitte liikuda, kuidas koreograafia erineb tantsust, mida publik tahab, miks igavust tunda, kuidas koos luua?
Etendajad: Gretten Vaga, Kristin Kalam, Keiti Leon, Ria Ranniku, Tuuli Torop
Kestus: 45 min

Kasutatud teosed:
Post-Dance – Danjel Andersson
A Choreographers’s Handbook - Jonathan Burrows
Art & fear - David Bayles & Ted Orland
Push: it will come later - Israel Aloni
Practical Performance Magic – Eva Neklyaeva, Maija Hirvanen

"Quote on quote i.e. let's talk about it" is a dance performance by Sigrid Savi and the third year students of Dance Studies in Viljandi Culture Academy.
Presented quotes, collected from different dance reated texts have been on the one hand a tool in the process, at the same time being the material for the performance.
Also quoting each other and oneselves.
A space is created where there is an opportunity to ask to what we oppose, to what we agree, or where one is placing themselves in the first place.
The questions that are asked...
why to go on stage at all, why to move, why not to move, how does choreography differ from dance, what does the audience want, why to feel boredom, how to create collectively?

Performers: Gretten Vaga, Kristin Kalam, Keiti Leon, Ria Ranniku, Tuuli Torop
Duration: 45 min

Texts used in the performance:
Post-Dance – Danjel Andersson
A Choreographers’s Handbook - Jonathan Burrows
Art & fear - David Bayles & Ted Orland
Push: it will come later - Israel Aloni
Practical Performance Magic – Eva Neklyaeva, Maija Hirvanen

Foto autor: Maritta Anton

beta black box • Narva maantee 2, 51009 Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti

Google Map of Narva maantee 2, 51009 Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti

Tartu Tantsuakadeemia
