Interdisciplinary treatment. Ortho-Perio. Ortho-Prostho. Ortho-Implants.

Neljapäev, 22. august 2024 kell 10:00 - 18:00

V SPA konverentsikeskus, ruum Sweden • Riia 2, 51004 Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti

Piletimüük internetis on lõppenud

More and more orthodontic patients require complex, interdisciplinary treatment.
Is a complicated, long therapy always a must?
Where is the borderline between correct treatment and “overtreatment”?

  • Specificity of interdisciplinary treatment
  • Importance of team work and workflow
    *Specificity of treatment of adults
  • Ortho-perio: Orthodontic treatment principles of patients with soft and hard tissue defects. Gingival recessions- orthodontics and surgical coverage of gingival recessions – before, during or after.
  • Ortho-prosthodontics: Preprosthodontic treatment. Ortho before veneering.
  • Ortho-implants: implant site development. Molar mesialisation and distalisation. Molar uprighting. Hypodontia: to close or to open, canine substitution vs space reopening. Treatment management is cases with hypodontia of: lateral upper incisors, lower incisors and second premolars.

9.30-10 kogunemine, hommikukohv
10-11.30 loeng
11.30-12 kohvipaus
12-13.30 loeng
13.30-14.30 lõuna
14.30-16 loeng
16.-16.30 kohvipaus
16.30-18 loeng

Koolitus toimub ingilise keeles ilma tõlketa.

V SPA konverentsikeskus, ruum Sweden • Riia 2, 51004 Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti

Google Map of Riia 2, 51004 Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti

MTÜ Eesti Ortodontide Selts