Nourished By Time (US) // Mart Avi(EE)

Reede, 17. november kell 19:00 - Laupäev, 18. november 2023 kell 03:00

Uus Laine • Vana-Kalamaja 1, 10412 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Piletimüük internetis on lõppenud.

“Nourished By Time suudab puudutada tundeid, mida pole võimalik sõnadesse panna” – Yaeji
17. novembril jõuab klubisse Uus Laine Ameerika uue laine R&B fenomen, laulja ja produtsent Nourished By Time.
Marcus Brown AKA Nourished By Time salvestas oma London väikeplaadifirma Scenic Route alt ilmunud debüütalbumi vanemate keldris Baltimore’is, aga miski albumil seda ei reeda – “Erotic Probiotic 2” koondab mitmeid põlvkondi ja eri maailmasid. See on armastuskiri kõigele alates sündipopist kuni 90ndate R&B ja elektroonilise muusikani, kus on nii räpiriime, triphopi biite kui ka meloodiaid, mis teeksid TLC kadedaks.
Pitchfork andis oma arvustuses albumile hindeks 8.2/10 ja tiitli Best New Music ning kirjutas, et album, mis “filtreerib 80ndate freestyle-saundi läbi ujuva, ajas moonutatud udu, on ühtaegu nii kütkestav kui ka tabamatu”.
Lisaks debüütalbumi avaldamisele astus Nourished By Time üles tantsumuusika imelapse Yaeji uuel albumil “With a Hammer” (XL), tegi koostööd ja tuuritas postpungiansambliga Dry Cleaning ja astus üles Pitchforki Festivalil. Pärast live’sid Euroopas jätkab ta detsembris Põhja-Ameerikas tuuritamist koos New Yorgi produtsendi ja multiinstrumentalist Vagaboniga viimase albumi “Sorry I Haven't Called” esitlusturneel.
2024. aastal plaanib Nourished by Time avaldada uue EP ja täispika albumi “The Passionate Ones” ning on kindel, et see muudab ta elu täpselt nagu “Erotic Probiotic 2”.


Soojendusesineja ja DJ-d: TBA
🎟️ Pilet: 20 EUR

“Nourished By Time can touch feelings that cannot be put into words” – Yaeji
On November 17, American post-R&B phenomenon, singer and producer Nourished By Time will perform at club Uus Laine.
Marcus Brown, aka Nourished by Time, recorded their debut album in their parents’ Baltimore basement, but you wouldn’t know that by listening to it—Erotic Probiotic 2 spans several generations and a multitude of worlds. It’s a love letter to everything from synth-pop to ‘90s R&B to electronica, with rap rhymes, trip-hop beats and melodies that would make TLC jealous.
In its review, Pitchfork gave the album a score of 8.2/10 and gave it a Best New Music tag, writing that it “Filtering the sound of ’80s freestyle through a buoyant, time-warped haze, the debut album from singer/producer Marcus Brown is both captivating and elusive."
Besides releasing their debut album this year, Nourished By Time has appeared on dance wunderkind Yaeji’s new album With a Hammer, collaborated and toured with post punk band Dry Cleaning, and played Pitchfork Fest. After a row of live shows in Europe, he will continue touring in North America with New York producer and multi-instrumentalist Vagabon in support of her latest album Sorry I Haven't Called.
In 2024, Nourished by Time plans to release a new EP and full-length album The Passionate Ones and are sure that it will change their life just like Erotic Probiotic 2 did.


Support and DJs: TBA
🎟️ Ticket: 20 EUR

Uus Laine • Vana-Kalamaja 1, 10412 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Google Map of Vana-Kalamaja 1, 10412 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Uus Laine

+372 5306 5865