Garage48 Visualising Data

Neljapäev, 9. mai kell 15:30 - Reede, 10. mai 2019 kell 19:30

Palo Alto Club

Piletimüük internetis on lõppenud

Have you ever stared at a massive spreadsheet of data and thought how much prettier it would look when visualised? Does your mind instantly wanders to diagrams, charts and graphs or do you prefer to bring data alive through animation and movement?

The art of making data beautiful and sexy is taking the world by storm. Data and data analysis have taken on a new quality and what used to be simple charts are now complex and creative pieces of data art. A good visualization tells a narrative, removing the noise from data and highlighting the useful information - it’s a storytelling with a purpose.

We start on Thursday, 9th of May at 15:30 with registration. At 16:00 we kick off with the event, lead by Karin Kirmjõe - our wonderful host from Mooncascade! Friday, 10th of May at 17:00 is the time to show your work and win some amazing prizes. Check the AGENDA tab on our website for more thorough plan for the 24 hours.

Statistics Estonia team has prepared 6 awesome challenges and datasets for you to play around and get creative with. All different approaches and visualisations are welcomed and even expected. Let the most colourful idea win!

You will have 90 seconds to present your idea to the crowd. Teams will be formed on the spot around the best and brightest ideas.

Garage48 and Statistics Estonia are inviting designers, developers, data enthusiast/wizards, movie makers and artists to tell a story through a good visualisation. Come and help to transform the boring rows in Excel into a beautiful and eye-catching visualisations that will help the Statistics Estonia to carry out the future projects that will change Estonia and the way we look at data.

Visualising Data Hackathon will be held in one the most vibrant blocks in Tallinn - Palo Alto Club in Telliskivi Creative City. We don’t want you to worry about food and drinks and snacks. We got you covered. You just focus on making data sexy!

Join us and let’s make data great again!


Palo Alto Club • Telliskivi 60a, Tallinn, Eesti

Google Map of Telliskivi 60a, Tallinn, Eesti
