From tanks to pools, and everything in between

Neljapäev, 11. jaanuar kell 19:00 - 21:00

The doors open at 19:00 and screening begins at 19:30. No entry after.

Maria Kapajeva's studio, Circle in Cube

Piletimüük internetis on lõppenud.

Red coronation flowers . Floor mops . Brass jewelery. Billboard pollution. Pink teddy bear. Ice lake.

What can feminist narratives depict us about the current state of the country we live in? As the commercial and state owned platforms choose their narratives, so do we.

We invite you to Maria Kapajeva’s studio, Circle in Cube to be part of the first video works screening ‘From tanks to pools, and everything in between’ curated by Daylight project.

Artists featuring in the screening : Maria Kapajeva, Ulvi Haagensen, Mia Tamme, Nadezhda Tyushka, Rodion Furs,Hanna Samoson.

NB!: Attendance is free, but keep in mind that this event takes place with intention of building an active community surrounding video art. The event takes place in a private space, thus, the number of attendees is limited and only with prior registration. The address will be sent to your email with a ticket.

Everyone curious to engage in discourses shared by feminist video practice and open discussions is welcomed.

Length of the screening: 90 min max

Daylight project