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Fine5 Tantsuteatri ja Giorgi Aleksidze Tbilisi Comtemporary Ballet etendusõhtu toimub kahes osas.
"Siinsamas Silmade Taga" on Fine5 Tantsuteatri lavastus, milles silmadele nähtav ja nähtamatu maailm tahavad üheks põimuda ning aegruumis koreograafilises vormis vaatajate ette laotuda. Doris Kareva täiskasvanute muinajutust "Sinine kivi" ja Carl Gustav Jungi sünkroonususe teooriast inspiratsiooni saanud lavastus on "tähendusrikastest kokkusattumustest", inimestevahelisest kommunikatsioonist ja "ajaliselt kokkulangevatest sündmustest", mida ei saa seletada pelgalt loogilise põhjuslikkuse kaudu. Juba fakt, et Eestis teevad ühistööd kolm tantsijat eesti tantsuteatrist ja kolm tantsijat Vivo Center´ist Roomast, on "tähendusrikas kokkusattumus".
Eesti tunnustatud tantsuteater tegutseb koreograafide Tiina Olleski ja Renee Nõmmiku juhtimisel juba 33.ndat hooaega. Teatri missiooniks on Eesti kaasaegse tantsukunsti ja koreograafilise mõtlemise arendamine, professionaalsetele koreograafidele ja tantsijatele tantsukunsti spetsiifikast lähtuva töö- ja arengukeskkonna ning loomeprotsesside võimaldamine ja autoriloomingu esitlemine Eestis ja välismaal.
Koreograafid ja lavastajad: Tiina Ollesk ja Renee Nõmmik.
Tantsijad: Chiara Fiore, Annachiara Gallo, Vanessa Geniali (Itaalia), Maria Uppin- Sarv, Eliisa Sokk, Simo Kruusement (Eesti)
Helilooja: Liisa Hirsch
Valguskunstnik: Ants Kurist
Tehniline tugi: Silver Soorsk
Giorgi Aleksidze Tbilisi Kaasaegse Balleti tantsulavastus "Metamorfoosid" on mõjutatud vanakreeka mütoloogiast ja Ovidiuse samanimelisest luuleteosest. Elektroonilise helikujunduse on loonud Gruusia kaasaegne helilooja Nika Machaidze sünteesides oma helikeelde teemasid Johann Sebastian Bachi loomingust. Tantsulavasus vaatleb muutuste maailma, mille kujundavad jumalike ja inimlike olevustega toimuvad muundumised ja transformatsioonid, sest nad mõlemad teevad vigu ja neil kõigil on nõrkusi.
Koreograafia: Mariam Aleksidze
Helikujundus J. S. Bachi originaalmuusika järgi Nika Machaidze
Idee ja kontseptsioon David Maziashvili
Kostüümikuntnik Anna NinuaNika Machaidze
Tantsijad: Nino Gogua, Mariam Darchia, Mariam Koiava, Martin Chlumsky, Tinatin Baramidze, Sesili Davitadze, Anastasia Lortkipanidze.
Giorgi Aleksidze Tbilisi Kaasaegne Ballett on kaasaegne, noor ja uuenduslik trupp, mis ühelt poolt säilitab Gruusia kaasaegse balleti rajaja Giorgi Aleksidze koreograafilist pärandit ning teisalt on platvormiks noortele koreograafidele ja tantsijatele tööks uute ideedega. Teatri sooviks on näidata, et Gruusia pole rikas mitte ainult balleti- ja koreograafiatraditsioonide poolest, vaid ka aktiivselt seotud tantsumaailmas toimuvate arenguprotsessidega. Tänasel päeval on trupis üheksa erineva individuaalsuse, eriliste omaduste, välimuse ja tehniliste oskustega tantsijat, kes koos kunstilise juhi, koreograaf Mariam Aleksidzega, on loonud Tbilisi Kaasaegsele Balletile isikupärase repertuaari ja näo.
Etendusõhtu pikkus 2h 20 min, vaheaeg 15 min.
Toetajad: Tallinna Linn, Tbilisi Linn, Eesti Kultuurkapital, Eesti Kultuuriministeerium
Fine5 Dance Theatre and Giorgi Aleksidze Tbilisi Contemporary Ballet shared evening in two parts.
"Right Behind Your Eyes" is a new work by Tiina Ollesk and Renee Nõmmik in which the visible is intertwined with the invisible in the language of dance and in an environment that stimulates the senses. Inspired by Doris Kareva's adult fairy tale "The Blue Stone" and Carl Gustav Jung's theory of synchronicity, the play examines how we carry the inexplicable longing for something greater in the background of everyday life. There are stories difficult to explain, and the passage is sometimes where it should not be according to any hypotheses. There are memories that are so vivid that you doubt them...
The production brings together a special composition: three dancers from Vivo Center in Rome and three from Fine5 Dance Theatre, who have dealt with these topics during the creative process lasting several months and are now ready to bring it to the audience.
Choreographers and directors: Tiina Ollesk, Renee Nõmmik
Dancers: Chiara Fiore, Annachiara Gallo, Vanessa Geniali (Italy), Maria Uppin-Sarv, Eliisa Sokk, Simo Kruusement (Estonia)
Composer: Liisa Hirsch
Lighting artist: Ants Kurist
Costumes: Kirill Safonov
Fine5 Dance Theatre is lead by choreographers Tiina Ollesk and Renee Nõmmik. The mission of Fine5 Dance Theater is to develop and expand Estonian contemporary dance art, to provide professional choreographers and dancers with a work and development environment and creative processes based on the specifics of dance art, and to present their own creations in Estonia and abroad. Our statement is sustainable creative activity – lifelong learning in dance, care and sharing in local community.
Contemporary ballet based on Ovid’s Metamorphoses
Choreography Mariam Aleksidze
Music by J. S. Bach. Original music by Nika Machaidze
Idea and Concept David Maziashvili
Costume Design Anna Ninua
Cast: Giorgi Aleksidze Tbilisi Contemporary Ballet Company - Nino Gogua, Mariam Darchia, Mariam Koiava, Martin Chlumsky, Tinatin Baramidze, Sesili Davitadze, Anastasia Lortkipanidze
Company Artistic Director – Mariam Aleksidze
Ovid’s poem Metamorphoses or Transformations is interesting precisely due to the fact that each myth ends in a transformation. The poem features the world that is based on constant change. The basis of the choreographic idea is change, too. The creative power of Mariam Aleksidze’s choreography to express fantasy and the infinite nature of the universe is aimed at returning to the myth, animating human nature, expressing people’s physical, internal and external state, reconnecting them with their psyche, understanding it and, by creating sometimes plastic and sometimes schematic figures, expressing the ideas, forms and forces which transform people and construct their souls.
According to Prof. David Maziashvili’s concept, metamorphoses were to happen to the idea and choreography as well as to the directions necessary for their expression. The most important metamorphosis was to occur in music. Mariam Aleksidze chose Johann Sebastian Bach and contemporary composer Nika Machaidze, who created original electronic music for the ballet and the sound design by synthesizing Bach’s compositions. The dialogue between old music and minimalist, electronic music shows clearly how music has transformed over time.
Giorgi Aleksidze Tbilisi Contemporary Ballet
Tbilisi’s innovative dance company led by choreographer Mariam Aleksidze, was founded with the support from Tbilisi City Hall in 2016 and named after great Georgian choreographer Giorgi Aleksidze. The first contemporary ballet company in Georgia is notable for its special quality, aesthetics, search for contemporary forms, artistic vision and original repertoire. The excellence of Tbilisi Contemporary Ballet is the result of Company Director Prof. David Maziashvili’s remarkable ideas and thorough knowledge in several spheres and Mariam Aleksidze’s artistic vision to maintain the unique style characteristic of the Georgian choreography and to present it in a contemporary way. The company unites dancers of distinctly individual, outstanding appearance and technical skills. Mariam Aleksidze and Giorgi Aleksidze Tbilisi Contemporary Ballet have made a significant contribution to the cause of developing and promoting contemporary choreography and dance in Georgia.
Duration: 50 min
Lenght of the whole evening 2 h 20 min, intermission 15 min
Support: Tallinn City, Tbilisi City, Eesti Kultuurkapital, Eesti Kultuuriministeerium
Vaba Lava Narva • Linda tänav 2, 20309 Narva, Ida-Viru maakond, Eesti