Fine5 Tantsuteater MINA OLIN SIIN

Teisipäev, 28. mai kell 18:00 - 19:00

Kiviõli Rahvamaja • Rahvamaja 2, 43125 Kiviõli, Ida-Viru maakond, Eesti

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"MINA OLIN SIIN" on lavastus füüsilisest ja vaimsest puudutusest ning selle vastuvõtust. Idee autor, Läti koreograaf Olga Zitluhina küsib, kas jõuame kiiresti mööduva elu jooksul kedagi päriselt puudutada või oleme kontaktis pigem puuteekraanidega?
Olga: "Mu silme ees on tugev kujund reaalsest elust: nägin, kuidas ema ja isa võtsid teineteise käest kinni alles siis, kui nad olid juba seitsmekümne aastased. Nad olid teineteise kõrval olnud aastakümneid, kuid need olid teised ajad ja isegi siis, kui seisti näoga teineteise poole, ei räägitud lähedusest. Ma nägin, kui tähtis on lihtsalt teineteisel käest kinni võtta ja teineteise jaoks olemas olla!"
Koreograafia: Olga Zitluhina (Läti) ja Fine5-i tantsijad: Tiina Ollesk, Helen Reitsnik, Olga Privis, Richard Beljohin, Simo Kruusement.
Kostüümid: Kirill Safonov
Muusika: Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Helikujundus: Valentin Siltsenko
Konsultant: Renee Nõmmik
Toetajad: Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium.
“Min olin siin”:
Lavastuse pikkus: 60minutit

This performance is about physical and mental/spiritual communication and touch. Olga Zitluhina, Latvian choreographer and author of the concept, acknowledges that life is running very fast and questions, are we able to feel the real touch or the only communication we know is with the touch screens?
In this piece the communicative aspect is transferred and projected into the deeper communication - through the real time touch between humans we aim to reach to touch our own spirits and minds.
Olga Zitluhina is one of the most influential figures in Latvian contemporary dance. She is pioneer in the field, an educator, teacher, organizer, choreographer. Between 1996 and 2012 she led her contemporary dance company, created 20 works and performed in 18 countries around the world. Today she leads the Latvian Cultural Academy contemporary dance curricula and runs international dance festival "Laiks Dejot" in Riga.
Olga: "There is a strong image from real life that is almost haunting me: I saw my mother and father holding hands for the first time in their lives only when they were 70 years old. Even if they had been together for a long time and shared their lives, their way of communicating with each other was influenced by the time and place they were born and raised. They did not talk about it. I saw how important is just a simple human touch, how powerful it is and what is it speaking about us as humans. In "I was here" I wanted to speak about this - through movement and motion of human hands and arms and about movement in wider spectrum."
Choreography Olga Zitluhina and dancers: Tiina Ollesk, Olga Privis, Helen Reitsnik, Simo Kruusenment, Richard Beljohin
Costumes: Kirill Safonov
Music: Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Sound design: Valentin Siltsenko
Consult and support: Renee Nõmmik
Supported by: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Eesti Kultuuriministeerium
“I was here”
Duration: 60 min

Kiviõli Rahvamaja • Rahvamaja 2, 43125 Kiviõli, Ida-Viru maakond, Eesti

Google Map of Rahvamaja 2, 43125 Kiviõli, Ida-Viru maakond, Eesti

SA Fine 5 Tantsuteater
