Elders Wisdom Gathering / Vana Tarkuse Festival

Neljapäev, 18. juuli kell 15:00 - Pühapäev, 21. juuli kell 15:00

Looga • Looga, 91202 Elbiku / Ölbäck, Lääne maakond, Eesti

Piletimüük internetis on lõppenud.

English Below

18. juuli - 21. juuli 2024
Ühinege meiega sügavale kultuurilisele avastusretkele. Tuleme kokku, et austada iidseid teadmisi ja lugupeetud põlisrahvaste vaimseid juhte üle maailma. Meie kogunemisel toimuvad erinevad töötoad, loengud, higitelgi- ja saunarituaalid ning jagamisringid, käsitledes vana tarkust, erinevate põlisrahvaste sarnasusi ning seda, kuidas me kõik oleme inimolenditena omavahel seotud.
Töötubades liigume läbi eluetappide, alates lapsepõlvest noorukieani, noorukieast täiskasvanueani ning täiskasvanueast eakani. Uurime eluetappide läbimise olulisust ning jagame põliseid teadmisi ja kombeid. Avastame universaalseid teemasid, mis ühendavad inimkonda ning juhatavad lähemale harmonilisele elule siin kaunil sinisel planeedil.

Sündmuse ajakava:

18. juuli

15.00-17.00 Kogunemine / Arrival
18.00 Õhtusöök / Dinner
19.00 Laagri avatseremoonia / Opening Ceremony
21.00 Higitelk / Swetlodge - Austin Nunez, Mona Polacca
21.00 Saunarituaal / Sauna ritual - Elis Seppius


08.00 Qi Gong - Jana Kasemaa
08.30-10.00 Hommikusöök / Brekfast
10.30 “Elu põhitõed” / “Original Instructions for Life” - Mona Polacca
12.30 “Looduslikud Pühapaigad, pärimus ja kombestik” / “Sacred natural sites, heritage and rituals” - Muhu Martin
14.00-15.30 Lõuna / Lunch
16.00 “MaaEma ja inimese vahelise suhte tevendamine” / “Healing the disconnection between Mother Earth and Human Being” - Erena Rangnimarie Rhöse
17.30 Saunarituaal / Sauna ritual - Elis Seppius
17.30 Higitelk / Swetlodge - Austin Nunez, Mona Polacca, Brenda Mikitzli
19.00-20.00 Õhtusõõk / Dinner
20.30 Regilaulmine / Traditional singing - Triinu Taul, Anna Vainu, Vaskilintu (FIN)
23.00 Ennemuistsed Lood / Ancient stories - Hivshu


08.00 Higitelk meestele / Swetlodge for men - Austin Nunez
08.00 Higitelk naistele / Swetlodge for women- Mona Polacca
09.00-10.30 Hommikusöök / Brekfast
11.00 “Kutsu Elu Enesega Suhtlema” / “Invite Life to Interact with You” - Hivshu
13.00 Meestele “Mida Tähendab Olla Mees Selles Ilmas” / For Men “What Means To Be a Man On This Earth” - Austin Nunez
13.00 Naistele “Sünd, Platsenta, Püha Vesi, Maaema” / For Women “Birth, placenta, sacred water, mother earth” - Erena Rangnimarie Rhöse
14.30-16.00 Lõuna / Lunch
16.30 “Elu põhitõed” / “Original Instructions for Life” Mona Polacca
18.00 Erinevate rahvaste ringtantsud / Traditional circledances - Eduardo Agni (BRA)
19.30-20.30 Õhtusöök
21.00 Kontsert / Concert - Eduardo Agni, Indrek Tammoja, Triinu Taul, Vaskilintu and friends
23.00 Ennemuistsed Lood / Ancient stories - Hivshu, Austin Nunez

21. juuli

08.00 Higitelk / Swetlodge Brenda Mikitztli (MEX)
08.00 Saunarituaal / Sauna ritual - Elis Seppius
09.00-10.30 Hommikusöök / Brekfast
11.00 “Rahumeelse läbirääkimise õpetused, jutusaua ring” Mona Polacca, Austin Nunez, Hivshu, Erena Rangnimarie Rhöse, Muhu Martin
“Efective negotiation by indigenous teachings, talkingstik” Mona Polacca, Austin Nunez, Hivshu, Erena Rangnimarie Rhöse, Muhu Martin
14.00 Laagri lõpetamine, hüvastijätt, kojuminek / Closing ceremony, Leaving

Ööbimine laagriajal toimub telkides.

Toitume võimalikult mahedast ja taimsest toidust, mis on valmistatud kohapeal suure armastusega.

Laagri maksumus:
-kuni 1. juuni - 350 eurot
-1. juuni - 18. juuli - 390 eurot

-Ühe päeva pilet 75 eurot (neljapäev või pühapäev)
-Ühe päeva pilet 120 eurot (reede või laupäev)

-Toetaja pilet 750 eurot

*Lapsed ja alaealised noored saavad sündmusel osaleda koos oma vanematega tasuta. Lastele ja noortele tuleb osta eraldi toidutalongid ning nende osalemine eelregistreerida. [email protected]

Laagri hind sisaldab:
-Kogu laagri programmi (higitelgid, loengud, juturingid, kontserdid)
-Laagriaja toitlustus (8 toidukorda)

Laagriajaks palume kaasa võtta sularaha, kohapeal on:
-käsitöö turg

Meil on suurim heameel võtta vastu külalisi ja esinejaid nii meie armsalt kodumaalt kui ka erinevatest paikadest kogu maailmas!

Külaliste nimekirja ning tutvustuse leiad Facebooki Eventi lehelt:

You can find the guest list and introduction on the Facebook Event page:


*Külaliste nimekiri on täienemisel!
*The guest list is being updated!

It is our greatest pleasure to receive guests and speakers from our lovely homeland as well as from various places around the world!
Our questlist and their introtduction you will find from our Facebook Event page:


Embrace the Elders' Wisdom: A Global Gathering of Ancestral Insights
Join us for a profound exploration of ancient wisdom and interconnectedness as we convene to honor the wisdom of elders and esteemed indigenous spiritual leaders from around the world. Through diverse workshops, swetlodge and sauna ceremonys, enlightening lectures, and heartfelt sharing circles, we will journey through the rites of passage that shape our lives and celebrate the universal bond that unites us as human beings.

About the Gathering:
This gathering is a sacred space where we come together to pay homage to the timeless wisdom passed down through generations. Through workshops, lectures, and sharing circles, we'll delve into the profound similarities among different indigenous peoples.

Featured Guests:
We are deeply honored to welcome indigenous people and spiritual leaders from various corners of the globe. Each guest brings with them the richness of their cultural heritage and spiritual insights, offering profound teachings, ancestral wisdom, and the interconnectedness of all life.


18. July

15.00-17.00 Arrival
18.00 Dinner
19.00 Opening Ceremony
21.00 Swetlodge - Austin Nunez, Mona Polacca
21.00 Sauna ritual - Elis Seppius

19. July

08.00 Qi Gong - Jana Kasemaa
08.30-10.00 Brekfast
10.30 “Original Instructions for Life” - Mona Polacca
12.30 “Sacred natural sites, heritage and rituals” - Muhu Martin
14.00-15.30 Lõuna
16.00 “Healing the disconnection between Mother Earth and Human Being” - Erena Rangnimarie Rhöse
17.30 Sauna ritual - Elis Seppius
17.30 Swetlodge - Austin Nunez, Mona Polacca, Brenda Mikitzli
19.00-20.00 Dinner
20.30 Traditional singing - Triinu Taul, Anna Vainu, Vaskilintu (FIN)
23.00 Ancient stories - Hivshu

20. July

08.00 Swetlodge for men - Austin Nunez
08.00 Swetlodge for women- Mona Polacca
09.00-10.30 Brekfast
11.00 “Invite Life to Interact with You” - Hivshu
13.00 For Men “What Means To Be a Man On This Earth” - Austin Nunez
13.00 For Women “Birth, placenta, sacred water, mother earth” - Erena Rangnimarie Rhöse
14.30-16.00 Lunch
16.30 “Original Instructions for Life” Mona Polacca
18.00 Traditional circledances - Eduardo Agni (BRA)
19.30-20.30 Dinner
21.00 Concert - Eduardo Agni, Indrek Tammoja, Triinu Taul, Vaskilintu and friends
23.00 Ancient stories - Hivshu, Austin Nunez

21. July

08.00 Swetlodge Brenda Mikitztli (MEX)
08.00 Sauna ritual - Elis Seppius
09.00-10.30 Brekfast
11.00 “Efective negotiation by indigenous teachings, talkingstik” Mona Polacca, Austin Nunez, Hivshu, Erena Rangnimarie Rhöse, Muhu Martin
14.00 Closing ceremony, Leaving

During the camp we are sleeping in the tents.

Catering is ecological and vegetarian food, prepared with great love!

-until 1st of June - 350 euros
-1st of June to 18th of July - 390 euros

-One day ticket 75 euros (Thursday or Sunday)
-One day ticket 120 euros(Friday or Saturday)

-Sponsor ticket 750 euros

Children and minors can attend the event for free when accompanied by their parents. Separate food vouchers need to be purchased for children and minors, and their participation must be pre-registered. [email protected]

Included in ticket:
-Whole gathering program (swetlodges, lectures, talkingcircles, concerts)
-8 delicious foods
-place to put your tent

We kindly ask to bring cash with you, we will have:
-hancrafts and jewlery market
-snacks and drinks

It is our greatest pleasure to receive guests and speakers from our lovely homeland as well as from various places around the world!
Our questlist and their introtduction you will find from our Facebook Event page: https://fb.me/e/8QxmgWAcd

Looga, 91202 Elbiku / Ölbäck, Lääne maakond, Eesti

Google Map of Looga, 91202 Elbiku / Ölbäck, Lääne maakond, Eesti

Eerik Luka

