Reede, 12. november 2021 kell 21:00 - 22:15
Mustpeade Maja • Pikk 26, 10133 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti
DSILTON band (Austria)
The music of Dsilton consists of energetic arrangements in microtonal tunings with modulating rhythms.
At Dsiltons current program, cycles of Georg Vogel & David Dornig are interlocked. Concerning the techniques of composition and the frames for improvisation all pieces share together complex grooves and the extended tonality of 31-tone tuning.
The repertoire shows a range from enharmonically entangled improvisation forms, 31-tone serial compositions to arrangements of processed field recordings.
This enharmonic microtonal journey is played on special instruments: newly built 31-tone keyboards called Claviton, drumset and a new eight string electric guitar with 31 frets per octave.
Georg Vogel: 31-Tone Clavitones
David Dornig: 31-Tone Guitar
Valentin Duit: Drumset
*All works are Estonian premiers
Mustpeade Maja • Pikk 26, 10133 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti