DSF2025 Club Night: Barker (DE)

Reede, 14. veebruar kell 21:00 - Laupäev, 15. veebruar kell 05:00

Paavli Kultuurivabrik • Paavli tänav 7, 10412 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Piletimüük internetis on lõppenud

Dreamscape Festival 2025 Club Night
Audiovisual Experiments on Two Stages

Festival Tickets: https://fienta.com/et/dreamscape2025
Festival event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1118485302899862

Barker (DE) — LIVE!

Dharma Coil
Olga & Bobek
Rando Arand

Exit Safe Mode
Uku Masin
Kersten Kõrge

Visuals by:
Raluca Mănăilă

As a musician, Sam Barker has proudly operated on techno’s peripher—and in the process, sought to shift its center.

Ever since his 2018 release Debiasing, his influence has helped steer the direction of contemporary electronic music to unexpected paths. Despite his being musically active for many years previous, notably in the star duo Barker & Baumecker, his recent solo work has managed to shape a zeitgeist offsetting bittersweet longing with hyper-articulated, post-human body movements.
His releases for Ostgut Ton (particularly 2019‘s Utility), and most recently, Smalltown Supersound manage to straddle a line between the high-tensile, pump-action flex afforded by modern rhythmic and timbral programming techniques, with a nigh-on pop-level keenness for lilting, heart-string-tugging chord progressions. It’s this balance, combined with a microbial focus on all things-music composition (from developing solenoid-powered percussion devices to self-playing pianos) that’s made Barker an artist to love for new initiates and production nerds alike.

A classically trained musician, British-born and Berlin-based Barker is also an active instrument designer and builder who combines coding skills with analogue, electric and acoustic instrument construction under the name Voltek. Most recently he worked together with Underground Resistance’s Ray 7 on a sonic architectural exploration of empty factories in Detroit using self-programmed analogue percussion instruments.


Paavli Kultuurivabrik • Paavli tänav 7, 10412 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Google Map of Paavli tänav 7, 10412 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti