Drum Tantra. Brian Melvin, Krista Köster, Ida Adele Raneli Ruul

Teisipäev, 13. veebruar 2024 kell 19:00 - 21:00

Teoteater • Vana-Kalamaja 9A, 10414 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Piletimüük internetis on lõppenud

Journey Through The Rhythms, Sound and Movement 🔥💫🥁

Kontsert-etendus Drum Tantra on müstiline ja vaatemänguline sündmus, kus ekstaatilised rütmid, võimsad rituaalsed helid, sügavad mõtteterad ning tants viivad vaataja müstilisele audio visuaalsele rännakule!
See on unikaalne erakordne sündmus, kus esimest korda saavad laval kokku meister trummar ja löökpillide võlur Brian Melvin, tantsija, koreograaf ja helimaag Krista Köster ning näitlejanna, tantsija ja hobulausuja Ida Adele Raneli Ruul, neid ühendab kirg etendus- ja tervendava kunsti vastu ning see on nende esmakordne koosloomine selles suunas !

Brian Melvin - tabla, eksootilised trummid ja rütmipillid Indiast ja Aafrikast, elektroonilised helid

Krista Köster - gong, raamtrumm, tiibeti helikausid, tants

Ida Adele Raneli Ruul - hääl, rütmipillid, shruti, tants

UKSED AVATUD alates 18.30, töötab baar!


Drum Tantra is a unique and spectacular concert-performance where ecstatic rhythms, dance, powerful ritual sounds and deeply meditative sutras will take you to the mystical journey to awaken the spirits of freedom, love and grace.
We bring together drumming, rhythm, dance, poetry, acting, voice and mystical sounds to create night to remember.

Brian Melvin - tabla, exotic drums and percussion from India and Africa, electronic sounds

Krista Köster - gong, frame drum, tibetan singing bowls, percussion and dance

Ida Adele Raneli Ruul- voice, percussion, dance, shruti box

BRIAN MELBIN - Master Drummer-Healer he is very excited to bring Drum Tantra to the public. Using different exotic drums from India and Africa and electronic sounds. Its very exciting to combine Drums with Healing Bowls and Gongs. Its about Healing with Sound. Rhythm and movement.

KRISTA KÖSTER - dance and performance artist, yogini, sound healer, traveller. Krista is very fascinated of far ancient cultures and mysticism and for the last eight years she has been dividing her life mostly between India and Estonia.
Trying out new things and coming out from comfort zone is what drives Krista and keeps her constantly developing and moving forward. At the moment, she is very interested to find ways to combine performance art with healing art.

IDA ADELE RANELI RUUL - actress, dancer, therapist and horse whisperer. She loves to share the wisdom she took with her from around the world.

DOORS OPEN 18.30- bar open - treat yourself!


Teoteater • Vana-Kalamaja 9A, 10414 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Google Map of Vana-Kalamaja 9A, 10414 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti