Reede, 18. september 2020 kell 09:00 - 16:00

MILTTONi maja • Telliskivi 60/2, Tallinn, 10412, I-hoone, D-sissepääs, V-korrus, Eesti

Piletimüük internetist on lõppenud!

Kutsume Sind osalema jätkusuutlike brändide loomise praktikumis!
(praktikum toimub inglise keeles)

WHAT'S UP?  As consumers, we are showered with communication. As companies, we have to find our very own voice to get heard within this noise. This counts for any brand. But there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind, especially being a sustainable brand, when talking to conscious consumers. Very often the differentiating profiles and most important messages are not clear to new target groups. So let’s solve this and make sure that brands, who try to change our world to a better, get heard and understood by creating sustainable brand identities for them!

HOW? In this very playful and explorative workshop you will learn:
✓ Why sustainable brands need specific communication
✓ How different target groups are
✓ What „Lohas" and "strategic consumers" really want to hear
✓ How to reveal the true identity of your brand
✓ Why Creative Confidence helps you doing that
✓ Why you should look at competition only to understand yourself
✓ How to hit the spot in your communication
✓ Why the brand trinity of identity, competition and target groups helps you
✓ How your visual and verbal appearance expresses your brand
✓ Why implementation is a crucial part for a sustainable brand identity

KELLELE?  Ettevõtete ja
toodete/teenuste juhid, turundajad, kommunikatsioonijuhid, brändiloojad, graafilised disainerid

KES? Praktikumi viib läbi Silke Lieser, brändi konsultant, kes toetudes pikaajalisele rahvusvahelisele kogemusele toetab ettevõtteid jätkusuutlikke brändide loomisel.

PALJU MAKSAB? Praktikumis osalemine maksab 340 eurot + km.

MILTTONi maja • Telliskivi 60/2, Tallinn, 10412, I-hoone, D-sissepääs, V-korrus, Eesti

Google Map of Telliskivi 60/2, Tallinn, 10412, I-hoone, D-sissepääs, V-korrus, Eesti

Design Minds

