Conversations with Ingvar: Tangled Relationships or a Simple Life

Thursday 19. November 2020 at 19:00 - 20:30

Zoom Webinar

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The desire to be loved and share intimacy with someone is very natural and human.
We are all in a relationship with somebody. If not as a couple, there are still relationships with colleagues, employees, a boss, friends or relatives. In today’s world, it is almost impossible to be a hermit. Man is a social being. Scientists who study relationships have found that relationships affect multiple areas in our life-determining our well-being as well as our health and success. Parents in a good and satisfactory relationship have happy children. If the atmosphere at home is harmonious and calm, people also do better at work or school.
Intimate relationships are an important part of our lives, affecting us directly. There are debates on how living next to an addict develops into a co-addiction, making it even more difficult to exit the vicious circle.
How many of us experience disturbing emotions such as anger, jealousy, or contempt as constant companions of the relationship? Or perhaps there is disappointment, pain, guilt or shame instead?
Does it seem that the partner does not understand you, does not support, or contribute enough? To one of the partners, it might seem that the other is not committed enough or is overreacting, seeing a ghost where it is none.
Maybe life has already become unbearable so that you don’t know anymore what to do, talk about, behave or look like because everything is either wrong or leaves the partner completely cold…
Quarrels and disputes are not unfamiliar in most families, often followed by accusations or taking a defensive position? How many feel lonely or frustrated even when in a relationship? You may consider breaking up, but there is an insane fear of loneliness...
There are an endless amount of emotions and their combinations that affect our lives and relationships daily. How can we restore or create safe and warm relationships that make us happy and content?
What to do if relationships with our close ones have become too hot or instead too cold?
How to achieve harmonious and good relationships with the ones we love? What is the formula for happiness?
Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were a magic wand that would fix those tangled relationships!
In this conversation, Ingvar Villido untangles the mess of a relationship and leads the way to inner peace and balance. 

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