Social Dance Club esitleb: Alex Kassian (JP) w/ local support

Reede, 2. august kell 23:00 - Laupäev, 3. august 2024 kell 06:00

Paavli Kultuurivabrik, Paavli, Tallinn, Eesti

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Social Dance Club esitleb:

Alex Kassian – 02.08.2024 – Paavli Kultuurivabrik


Alex Kassian on produtsent, DJ ja artist Kyotost, kes paikneb juba pikemat aega Berliinis, kus ta jagab oma päevi võrdselt nii muusika loomise kui ka astraalprojektsioonide vahel.

Alexi heli on peen ja täpne (ta on varem teinud soundtracke kaasaegse tantsu ja teatri jaoks); see heli on samas ka lopsakas ja väga orgaaniline, täis optimismi ja energiat. Inspireeritud spontaansusest ning spetsiaalselt loodud edendamaks out-of-body kogemust.

Sooloartistina on Alex välja andnud muusikat mitmetel plaadifirmadel, sealhulgas Paramida ‘Love On The Rocks’ ja Alex Bradley ‘Utopia Records’. Koos Hiroaki OBA-ga moodustavad nad duo Opal Sunn, millel on alates 2017. aastast oma label ‘Planet Sundae’. Selle kaudu on nad ise välja andnud mitmeid EP-sid, püüdes tantsumuusika suurkujude nagu Andrew Weatherall ja DJ Sprinkles tähelepanu ja toetust.

2018. aastal andis duo Opal Sunn välja oma esimese EP nimega Parallax Nick Höppneri plaadifirma ‘Touch From A Distance’ kaudu. 2019. ja 2020. aasta alguses võttis duo oma live-show tuurile mööda Euroopat ja Aasiat, peatudes pea kõikjal – alates festivalist Field Maneuvers Ühendkuningriigis kuni The Observatory Taiwanis ja Panorama Baarini Berliinis. Duo teine väljalase ‘Laika’ ilmus plaadifirmal Touch From A Distance 2020. aastal, millele järgnes peagi Alexi enda soolo väljalase ‘Oolong Trance’ Paramida ‘Love On The Rocks’ plaadifirma kaudu.

Kohalik tugi:

☞ Daniel Raichert

☞ Khmelnitsky

☞ Nechaev

☞ Noaxdjj

Kuula Alex Kassiani lugusid:

Alex Kassian – The Love Theme

Donald's House - Bassian Plain (Alex Kassian Remix)

Man/ipulate - Eternity (Alex Kassian's Ode To Sunshine Mix)

Clint - Alpine Breaks (Alex Kassian Remix)

Kuula Alex Kassiani DJ seti:

Boiler Room Singapore 2023

HOR Berlin B2B Paramida

Sündmuse toimumiskoht:
Paavli Kultuurivabrik
Aadress: Paavli 7, 14012 Tallinn

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Social Dance Club presents:

Alex Kassian – 02.08.2024 – Paavli Kultuurivabrik

Alex Kassian is a producer, DJ and artist from Kyoto, now based in Berlin, where he splits his days equally between making music and astral projection.

Alex’s sound is sophisticated and precise (he previously worked on soundtracks for contemporary dance and theatre); it’s also lush and organic, cinematic and uplifting, bursting with optimism and energy, informed by spontaneity and improvisation and specifically designed to promote the kind of out-of-body experiences demanded by discerning ravers across the universe.

As a solo artist, Alex has released on a number of labels here on Earth including Paramida’s Love On The Rocks and Alex Bradley’s Utopia Records. Together with Hiroaki OBA, he is also one half of Opal Sunn, who operate their own imprint Planet Sundae since 2017, through which they self-released a number of EPs, catching the attention of and support from dance music luminaries such as Andrew Weatherall and DJ Sprinkles.

In 2018 they released their first EP Parallax on Nick Höppner’s label Touch From A Distance, and in 2019 and early 2020 took their live show on tour around Europe and Asia, with stops everywhere from Field Manoeuvres festival to The Observatory in Saigon and Panorama Bar in Berlin. Their second release, Laika, came out on Touch From A Distance in 2020, shortly followed by Alex’s first solo outing on Love On The Rocks, Oolong Trance.

Local support:

☞ Daniel Raichert

☞ Khmelnitsky

☞ Nechaev

☞ Noaxdjj


Listen to Alex Kassian’s music:

Alex Kassian – The Love Theme

Donald's House - Bassian Plain (Alex Kassian Remix)

Man/ipulate - Eternity (Alex Kassian's Ode To Sunshine Mix)

Clint - Alpine Breaks (Alex Kassian Remix)

Listen to Alex Kassian’s DJ sets:

Boiler Room Singapore 2023

HOR Berlin B2B Paramida

Event venue:
Paavli Kultuurivabrik
Aadress: Paavli 7, 14012 Tallinn

Follow us on:
Instagram —>
Telegram —>

Social Dance Club