ESTO 2019: Network meet-up Estonian Art & Artists

Tuesday 2. July 2019 at 13:00 - 16:00

Tallinn Art Space Gallery, T1 Mall of Tallinn

Online ticket sales has ended

Exhibition of Estonian Artists collaboration collection Freedom in the 21st Century for the 100th Anniversary of Estonian Republic. Panel discussion on "Estonian culture is the Estonian fuel". Short films about freedom with artists. Many of them are also present at screening.

On the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, the 21 well-known Estonian artists created 21 unique works inspired by Estonian freedom, which are shown to millions of people all over the world.

Visit to the newly opened Kalev Mark Kostabi gallery which is a part of the Tallinn Art Space gallery. Kalev Mark Kostabi is an American artist with Estonian roots known for his personal style. In the 1980s, the artist founded a studio called "Kostabi World" in New York. His paintings are represented in the permanent collections of the world's most renowned art museums such as Metropolitan, Gugghenheim and others. A countless amount of land and graphics have been visible to the Estonian audience.

The Lithographic Museum, located in the premises of Tallinn Art Space, introduces the history of stone printing, where, in addition to art, a broader value system what is created for printing and technology is shown.

Tallinn Art Space Gallery, T1 Mall of Tallinn • Peterburi maantee 2, Tallinn, Estonia

Google Map of Peterburi maantee 2, Tallinn, Estonia

MTÜ ESTO 2019 Peakomitee