ESSPD Webinar: Psychobiological mechanisms of psychotherapy in personality disorders

Monday 18. March 2024 at 17:00 - 18:30 CET

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Psychotherapy research no longer aims to develop comprehensive disorder-specific programs but modules that influence processes that mediate change. These processes may reflect basal learning effects as well as specific change processes. A mechanistic approach starting from functional analysis of impairments in addition to symptoms and assessing physiological changes beyond self-report/questionnaires will provide insight into mediators of therapeutic change and serve as a scientific platform for future development of psychotherapeutic interventions. This webinar will start with some ideas on the conceptualization of modular, mechanism-based psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder and dimensional conceptions of personality disorders. Then, we will present fMRI studies on mechanistic change in pre/post designs as well as behavioural tasks that were designed to capture treatment effects. At the end we will discuss the many open questions needed to be pursued in the future to arrive at higher treatment effects.

Presenting: Prof. Sabine C. Herpertz, Germany and Prof. Katja Bertsch, Germany