ESSPD Webinar: Parenting and mother-child interaction

Thursday 16. March 2023 at 17:00 - 18:30 CET

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Mothers with BPD are often unable to recognize and/or respond (to) their children’s needs, are inconsistent in their parenting styles and have difficulties in setting adequate limits. Difficulties in emotion regulation are a core feature of BPD and constitute a severe problem for parenting. As a result, children of mothers with BPD are often missing adequate role models and orientation – and are at high risk to develop dysfunctional behavior patterns themselves. The training “Parenting skills for mothers with BPD” aims to support these mothers to develop positive parenting strategies and thereby to interrupt the inter-generational transmission of dysfunctional emotion regulation strategies.

In this second 2023 ESSPD webinar prepared by Prof. Babette Renneberg (Germany) and Dr. Charlotte Rosenbach (Germany), Dr. Rosenbach will be addressing the main aims and therapeutic strategies of the training “Parenting skills for mothers with BPD”, supported by video examples and short role plays.

Q&A as well as a general discussion will be moderated by ESSPD president Ueli Kramer (Switzerland).