ESSPD Webinar: Advances in the understanding and treatment of pathological narcissism

Wednesday 31. May 2023 at 17:00 - 18:30 CET

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In this third 2023 ESSPD webinar Prof. Elsa Ronningstam, (US), Dr. Eve Caligor, (US), Prof. David Kealy (Canada), and Dr. Nicholas Day (Australia) will offer an overview of current conceptualizations and new perspectives on the study of pathological narcissism. First, the conceptualization and pressing issues in relationship with dimensional conceptions of personality disorders will be discussed. Then, we will discuss principles of intervention which address pathological narcissism, the therapeutic strategies, and discuss research evidence on psychotherapy for pathological narcissism. Finally, the impact of pathological narcissism on the social interaction, family and peers will be discussed.
Q&A as well as a general discussion will be moderated by ESSPD president Ueli Kramer (Switzerland).

The handouts, if the presenters choose to make them available, will be sent to you after the event. The meeting will be recorded and recording made available for a limited time after the webinar.

Save the date for: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 | 17:00–18:30 CET