ESBG - European Straw Building Gathering

Thursday 31. August at 14:00 - Sunday 3. September 2023 at 17:00

Brenderup Folk High School - Brenderup Højskole • Stationsvej 54, 5464 Brenderup, Denmark

Online ticket sales has ended

Join us at this pivotal bi-annual European event in Brenderup, Denmark for all interested in sustainable construction. Engage with top-tier professionals, learn proven straw bale building methods, and share insights with like-minded individuals. Info at

Brenderup Folk High School - Brenderup Højskole • Stationsvej 54, 5464 Brenderup, Denmark

Google Map of Stationsvej 54, 5464 Brenderup, Denmark

ESBA in cooperation with Brenderup Hojskole