Ensemble U: & Mart Kangro / EMP 2019 & World Music Days

Thursday 9. May 2019 at 19:30

Kanuti Gildi SAAL

Online ticket sales has ended

Mart Kangro & Ensemble U:
Thu, 9 May at 7:30 pm
Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
Ansambel U:, Mart Kangro
Concert-performance by Mart Kangro and Ensemble U:
In collaboration with Ensemble U:
Ticket 15/10

Idea and production: Mart Kangro and ensemble U: (Helena Tuuling, Levi-Danel Mägila, Merje Roomere, Taavi Kerikmäe, Tarmo Johannes, Vambola Krigul)
Technical and lighting solutions: Kalle Tikas
Photo: Tarvo Hanno Varres
Duration: 60’


Alex Taylor (b. 1988, New Zealand)
“Three Endings” for violin and piano (2017)

Bart de Vrees (b. 1974, the Netherlands)
“For Flute or Piano or Mandolin or Percussion or Bassoon or Guitar or Violin or Harp or Clarinet or………” for any (amplified) solo instrument or combinations of instruments and video (2017)

Chin-ting Chan (b. 1986, Hong Kong)
“Double Exposure” for flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, and cello (2017)

Gordon Fitzell (b. 1968, Canada)
“Elea” for violin, cello and piano (2011/2016, Estonian premiere)

Ensemble U: is currently the most active and renowned contemporary music ensemble in Estonia. It has gained recognition for its ability to perform even the most demanding works without conductor, openness for bold experimental ideas and sensitivity for sound. In addition to Estonia U: has performed at many important international festivals.
U: performs the masterworks of modern composers as well as experimental compositions. One distinct field for U: is to delve into improvisational works and perform pieces that require the rendering of non-traditional notation. The repertoire includes authors from Estonia and abroad and the ensemble values the opportunity to continuously commission new music to be written for them. In April 2009 ensemble U: released their first album “U:” consisting of works by Estonian composers dedicated to U: between 2004–2009. The CD’s presentation took place in a ‘double reality’ – a virtual concert in the Estonian Virtual Embassy in Second Life, simultaneous with the live presentation, was the first of its kind in Estonia. The second album “Protuberances” was released two years later, 2011. Ensemble’s third CD, entitled “Alive” (2015) holds exclusively selected live recordings from 2012–2014. In recent years U: has gained recognition for its original interactive project “Audience orchestra”.
In the field of musical theatre Ensemble U: has worked with Mart Kangro, one of the internationally most renowned conceptual dance choreographers in Estonia, for several times. Performances “Play” (2006), “Romeo & Juliet” (2008) and “Harmony” (2009) have stemmed from this collaboration.

Wheelchair accessible: no


Kanuti Gildi SAAL • Pikk 20, Tallinn, Estonia

Google Map of Pikk 20, Tallinn, Estonia

Estonian Composers Union

+372 645 4068
