Estonian Academy of Arts Grad Show TASE '24

Wednesday 29. May at 16:00 - Friday 14. June at 18:00

Tallinna Kunstihoone • Vabaduse väljak 8, 10146 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

TASE ‘24
Graduation Show of the Estonian Academy of Arts
Open every day from 12 to 6 pm

TASE is the yearly graduation show of the Estonian Academy of Arts, where the faculties of Architecture, Design, Art Culture and Fine Arts present current master theses and a selection of bachelor theses and portfolios. See the graduation works also on the website!


Estonian Academy of Arts
Graduation works of the Faculties of Architecture and Art Culture
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn

Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn Art Hall Gallery, Vent Space
Graduation works of the Faculties of Design and Fine Arts
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Vabaduse väljak 6 & 8, Tallinn

Design and Architecture Gallery
Graduation works of the bachelor students of Digital and Industrial Product Design and the master students of Product Design
27.05.–8.06.24, open Mon–Fri from 12 to 6 pm, Sat–Sun from 12 to 5 pm, free entry
Address: Pärnu mnt 6, Tallinn

Graduation exhibition “Do You Copy?” of the master students of Graphic Design
1.–7.06.24, open every day from 1 to 5 pm, free entry
Address: Niine 8a, Tallinn

Long Leg Gate Tower
Graduation exhibition "ETHEL IS GOD" by Ethel Ütsmüts, bachelor student of Ceramics
30.05.–14.06.24, open Mon–Fri 10 to 14 pm, free entry
Address: Pikk Jalg 3, Tallinn
Graduation works of the master students of Interaction Design (MIxD)
01.–08.07.24, open every day from 3 to 8 pm, entry 5€/3€/0€
Address: Rotermanni 14, Tallinn

Põhja pst 2, Tallinn
Graduation exhibition “Where to Belong” by Laura Movits, bachelor student of Interior Architecture
1.–4.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry

Uus Rada Gallery & Raja Building
Graduation works of the master students of Contemporary Art, participants Sandra Ernits, Mara Kirchberg, Sarah Noonan, Siim Preiman
31.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Address: Raja tn 11a, Tallinn


Opening on 29 May at 4pm at EKA and at 6pm at Tallinna Art Hall.

EKA pop-up shop
29.05.–2.06.24 in the lobby of Tallinn Art Hall, open Wed 6–11 pm Thu–Sun 12–6 pm

Theses defences

Guided tours about the graduation works part of Architecture with Gregor Taul at the Estonian Academy of Arts, starting in the lobby:

  • 5.06. at 2 pm in English
  • 5.06. at 4 pm in Estonian

Guided tours at Tallinn Art Hall, start in front of the building on Freedom Square:

  • 8.06. at 1 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in Estonian
  • 8.06. at 3.15 pm by Valeriya Ferschel in Russian
  • 9.06. at 1 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in Estonian
  • 9.06. at 3 pm by Anna-Liisa Villmann in English
  • 14.06. at 4.30 pm tour about the stories of the building's past with Kaisa Maasik in Estonian

TASE FILM, curated by Kaur Järve
11.06.24 at 6 pm at the Estonian Academy of Arts, room A-101, free entry

28.05. at 5 pm opening of the exhibition by the students of Product Design at the Design and Architecture Gallery

30.05. at 4 pm opening of the graduation show of the master students of Contemporary Art at Raja 11a

31.05. at 4 pm opening of graduation exhibition “Where to Belong” by Laura Movits, bachelor student of Interior Architecture

31.05. at 7 pm opening of the graduation show „Do You Copy?“ of the master students of Graphic Design in the project space ETC

Public programme in the Design and Architecture Gallery:

  • 1.06 at 1.30-3 pm workshop "Design quality time" for families in Estonian
  • 1.06. at 12 & 3 pm guided tours in Estonian
  • 2.06. at 12 & 3 pm guided tours in Estonian
  • 8.06. guided tour at 12 pm in Estonian
  • 2.06 at 1.30-3 pm workshop "Experiencing Design" in Estonian


Exhibition “Disruptive Dissonance” by the second year students of the department of Jewellery, Telliskivi 60, Telliskivi Kvartal
23.05.–5.06.24, open Tue–Sun from 12 to 7 pm, free entry
Opening: 22.05. at 6 pm

Exhibition “With Love and Fortitude” by the first year master students of Contemporary Art, ARS Project Space, Showroom and Studio 53, ARS Art Factory, Pärnu mnt 154, Tallinn
25.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry
Opening: 24.05. at 6 pm

Exhibition “sLenderBlock - Volumetric Renovation and Neighbourhood-Based Reconstruction” by the third year students of Architecture and Urban Design, Estonian Academy of Arts (1st floor), Põhja pst 7, Tallinn
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry

Exhibition “Architectural Ceramics”, Estonian Academy of Arts (5th floor), Põhja pst 7, Tallinn
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry

Installation of the studio project “Designing in Context” by the first year master students of Interior Architecture, Estonian Academy of Arts (sea terrace, 5th floor), Põhja pst 7, Tallinn
30.05.–14.06.24, open every day from 12 to 6 pm, free entry

Screenings of Elle Lepik's film “Agentic Glass Landscapes 1”, Energy Discovery Centre, Põhja pst 29, Tallinn
30.05.–14.06.24, Mon–Fri 11.15 am & 2.15 pm Sat 11.15 am & 3.15 pm, entry 15€/12€

Craft studies exhibition “Objects or Things”, Kopli 70a, 2nd floor, Krull kvartal, Tallinn
31.05.–9.06.24, open Fri–Sat from 1 to 7 pm or by appointment
Opening: 30.06. at 6 pm

Exhibition “AEGn/a: exhibition in the city centre of Tallinn”, Aegna Island, Tallinn
2.-26.06.24, visiting according to the ferry schedule
Opening: 2.06., guided tours at 11 am & 3 pm

Exhibition “Contemporary Drawing: Worlding in Layers” by the second year students of Fine Arts, NART studio and Narva Kreenholm Manufacturing Company
3.–30.06.24, NART studio open Mon–Fri from 3 to 7 pm Sat–Sun from 1 to 7 pm, Kreenholm can be visited on Saturdays at 1pm as part of a guided tour, free entry
Opening: 2.06. at 1 pm

Jana Mätas' solo exhibition, Keskpuur, Keskturg, Keldrimäe 9, Tallinn
3.–23.06.24, open every day from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm, free entry
Opening: 8.06. at 1 pm

Graduation exhibition "Imprints of Being" by the photography students of the EKA Open Academy, EKA Billboard Gallery, Kotzebue 1, Tallinn
4.06.–25.08.24, open 24/7, free
Opening: 4.06. at 6 pm

Exhibition “I Hope You Don’t Mind…” by Rebecca Norman and Elisa Margot Winters, Cafe Ait, Vene 14, Tallinn
10.06.–31.10.24, open every day from 9 am to 7 pm, free entry
Opening: 8.06. at 5 pm

Screening of the graduation works of the Animation department’s bachelor and master students, Kino Sõprus, Vana-Posti 8, Tallinn
15.06.24 from 5 to 7 pm, free entry

Pille-Riin Valk's artwork “Scent of Moments”, the facade of the Estonian Academy of Arts, Kotzebue 1, Tallinn
Open 24/7, free

Supporters: AkzoNobel, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, ERASMUS program, Estonian Artists’ Association, Punch, Tallinn Art Hall

Kaisa Maasik, Head Organizer, [email protected]
Andres Lõo, Communication specialist and contact for press, [email protected]

Tallinna Kunstihoone • Vabaduse väljak 8, 10146 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Google Map of Vabaduse väljak 8, 10146 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Estonian Academy of Arts