Bootcamp: Discover Ecopoetics

Saturday 8. May 2021 at 10:00 - 13:00 CEST


Online ticket sales has ended.

Explore the genre of ecopoetics at this online bootcamp organised by Writers Who Talk.
The three-hour workshop will be led by prize-winning Polish poet and writer Julia Fiedorczuk and Mexican poet and associate professor Gerardo Beltrán.

‘Eco’, as in the word ‘ecology’, comes from the Greek word ‘oikos’, meaning a dwelling-place. The word ‘poetics’ derives from ‘poiesis’, which means to bring into being or to make. Ecopoetics is thus the making of a home, involving not only humans but all forms of existence who share this universe.

Poetry has a special place in this making due to its historical association with ancient ritualistic and magical practices, its attunement to the natural rhythms of the Earth and the body (through prosody and the voice), and its inherently subversive character as a linguistic practice, counteracting the fossilization of language into clichés.

More information:

About the workshop leaders

Julia Fiedorczuk has published six volumes of poetry, three novels, a collection of short stories and three critical books in Poland. Her work, both creative and academic, focuses on the relationship between humans and their more-than-human environments. Her first collection, Listopad nad Narwią (“November on the Narew”) was selected as the best debut of the year by the Polish Association of Book Publishers. She has also been the recipient of the Hubert Burda Prize for poets from Central and Eastern Europe (2005) and the Szymborska Psalmy (‘Psalms’) Prize. Her work has been translated into many languages, including books in English, Swedish, Spanish, Ukrainian and Serbian. Her most recent work is Under the Sun, a multi-layered tale of love and loss set in Podlasie (a region in Eastern Poland), weaving human and non-human stories against the backdrop of the turbulent history of 20th Century Eastern Europe.

Gerardo Beltrán is a Mexican poet, translator and associate professor at the Institute for Iberian and Latin American Studies at the University of Warsaw. He has published six books of his own poetry and over thirty as a translator. In his academic work he focuses on the problems of poetic and intersemiotic translation, as well as on the relationships between poetic language, ecology and science. He is an honorary member of the Polish Writers’ Association and a member of the Lithuanian Literary Translators’ Union, as well as of ASLE, the Association for the Study of Language and the Environment.


Participation in this workshop costs €10 and is free for members of Writers Who Talk.

Who are Writers Who Talk?
Writers Who Talk is a not-for-profit supporting the creative writing community in Luxembourg:

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