Diagrams. Album presentation concert

Saturday 11. November 2023 at 17:00 - 18:00

Arvo Pärt Center • Kellasalu tee 3, 76702 Laulasmaa, Harjumaa, Estonia

Online ticket sales has ended.


Record album: Diagrams. The complete piano works of Arvo Pärt. Tähe-Lee Liiv (piano).

Album presentation concert

Arvo Pärt, Johann Sebastian Bach, Heino Eller and others.

The outstanding young pianist Tähe-Lee Liiv is releasing her debut album of Arvo Pärt's complete piano music this autumn. The album will be released by Estonian Record Productions (ERP). The music album includes Arvo Pärt's early piano works, which were composed during his student days — sonatinas, Partita, Four Easy Dances, Diagrams, which is a piece experimenting with a dodecaphonic sound language created at a more mature age, Ukuaru Waltz and Mommy’s Kiss which were inspired by the film and theatre world, and the later tintinnabuli-style piano pieces — Für Alina, Variations for the Healing of Arinushka and Für Anna Maria. In addition to the solo pieces, Tähe-Lee Liiv has also recorded two piano duets in the tintinnabuli style — Pari intervallo and Hymn to a Great City. Marrit Gerretz-Traksmann, one of the most acclaimed Estonian interpreters of Pärt's music, is joining in for the duets. This is the first time in the world that all of Pärt's existing solo piano works are included on one album, as well as all of his existing piano duets.

Tähe-Lee Liiv: "I am very grateful to Arvo and Nora Pärt and the Arvo Pärt Centre for their long standing support and helping me immerse myself in Pärt’s music.”

Tähe-Lee's childhood favourite was Pärt's Butterflies from the cycle Four Easy Dances, this first encounter with Pärt's music was followed by concerts in Laulasmaa at the Arvo Pärt Centre, in the series HELIjaKEEL (SOUNDandLANGUAGE), in the series Võim ja vaim – Arvo Pärt ja ENSV (Authority and Spirit. Arvo Pärt and the ESSR) (it was also recorded by ETV) and others.

In addition to Arvo Pärt's music, the album presentation concert will also feature piano music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Heino Eller and others.

Tähe-Lee Liiv (2003) is a young Estonian pianist who has achieved remarkable success both at home and abroad. She performs regularly as a soloist and chamber musician, and has soloed with several acclaimed orchestras. Tähe-Lee's major achievements include winning the Estonian Pianists Competition (2019) and the ETV television competition "Klassikatähed" (Classical Stars) (2020), being the youngest participant (16 years old) in both competitions. In addition, she has won key prizes in several international competitions.

Arvo Pärt Center • Kellasalu tee 3, 76702 Laulasmaa, Harjumaa, Estonia

Google Map of Kellasalu tee 3, 76702 Laulasmaa, Harjumaa, Estonia

