Deconstructing Colour-Blindness

Tuesday 28. March 2023 at 18:00 - 22:00

Doors open 10 min. before the start of the event.

Bürgerhaus Glockenbachwerkstatt, Munich

Online ticket sales has ended

Using the subject “Seeing race and eradicating racism” as a framework, we will host a discussion about how the concept of colourblindness perpetuates racism by ignoring race, denying its existence, as well as how race and racism impact individuals and communities.

We will also work to understand and challenge unconscious bias - “even among ‘allies’” - in our encounters with, and perceptions of, white and racialized people/communities. Depending on the group constellation, activities might include analysing media representations of colorblindness and its impacts, brainstorming examples of colorblindness in the participants’ own lives, and discussing strategies for moving beyond colorblindness towards antiracism.

There are no "experts" present as this is an interactive session where the work is done inside the group by the group participants. Instead, everyone is working at the same power level to learn from each other.
ARCC's members and collaborators may assist in steering the programming and keeping time.

Bürgerhaus Glockenbachwerkstatt • Blumenstrasse 7, 80331 Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Google Map of Blumenstrasse 7, 80331 Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Anti-Racism & Culture Club (ARCC) e.V.

‭+49 176 60508527‬