CPPM LÄBU. Prototype of solo performance (vol 2.1): Hidalgo-Saavedra „Memento Mori“

Saturday 17. December 2022 at 17:00

Doors open at 16.30
Entrance from Sakala street

Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre concert hall lobby • Tatari 13, 10116 Tallinn, Harju County, Estonia

All tickets have been sold out.

LÄBU ("a mess” in Estonian) is what we all must deal with after a long night of celebrations. It´s the physical pain in a body full of vivid sensations. The noise in a head filled with joyful thoughts. It´s our private space reduced to a total mess.
After 3 months of highly intensive workshops guided by a team of inspiring artists from all kinds of places and practices, the CPPM students are faced with the impossible challenge to make immediate sense of the overload of information. They are required to distill the essence of what inspired them the most, integrate it into their own artistic practice and make an exciting solo performance out of it. And it must happen in less than 2 weeks. The result, LÄBU, will be shown to an audience on 2 different occasions. What for? The Laboratory in which innovation is concocted is a messy place, LÄBU, where chance plays a major role. We are not looking for well-polished plays, we want these works to be truly experimental, and artists to be a bit reckless. Therefore we call them solo prototypes, hypotheses of groundbreaking creative practice yet to come. And You are invited to join us, in the LÄBU of contemporary performance.

„Memento Mori“

Created by Javier Cárcel Hidalgo-Saavedra and Anita Kremm
Performer: Javier Cárcel Hidalgo-Saavedra
Video artist: Anita Kremm
Sound artist: Kymbali Williams
Light design: Rommi Ruttas, Jari Matsi

Memento Mori is a participatory performance that deals with the theme of Death. How do we, as individuals and society, deal with the fact that we will all come to an inevitable end? How does the quality of our presence and our experience of life become affected by the fact that we constantly forget that we will all die?

Memento Mori is an invitation to come and perform your last dance with your own death. A danse macabre where prime ministers, Rimi cashiers, vagabonds, CEOs, elders, healthy young athletes, fools and erudites alike join in. Regardless of your status, wealth, or accomplishments in life, death comes equally for everyone.

This piece is born from fear. From the fear of forgetting. From the fear of being at my death-bed and realizing that “when I was alive I saw nothing of life”.

Dance. Dance at last.
Oh, dance, dance to your last.
Your last breath. Dance.
When Death comes, may it find us alive.

Thanks to: Giacomo Veronesi, Jüri Nael and Imanuel Schipper. Thanks to my dearest love Giuseppe Sassano, and my family for their unconditional support and encouragement. Thanks to the CPPM family, specially to Jennifer Bagg for her collaboration. to Anne Türnpu, Madli Pesti, Maris Mihasova, Hannes Hermaküla, Uliana, Mari Meriste, Maiu Rõõmus, Lii Põdra, Pille Sarapik, Tõnu Hiielaid and Nikita Šiškov for their help in the creative process. Thanks to the CPPM amazing guest artists that in some way or another have encouraged and impulsed my research.


Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre concert hall lobby • Tatari 13, 10116 Tallinn, Harju County, Estonia

Google Map of Tatari 13, 10116 Tallinn, Harju County, Estonia

CPPM | Estonian Acdemy of Music and Theatre
