The afterparty of the Campus Party of TalTech - nublu, Terminaator, Ivo Linna ja Supernova

Friday 9. September at 20:00 - Saturday 10. September 2022 at 03:00

Tallinn University of Technology • Ehitajate tee 5, Estonia

Online ticket sales has ended


The spectacular Campus Party of Tallinn University of Technology will take place on the 9th of September 2022 at TalTech Mustamäe campus. 

The party will bring together the most fierce students, staff, alumni and partners of TalTech. Activities go on from morning until evening and from evening until the next morning!

The Campus party culminates with a grand afterparty at the university main building, the university Assembly Hall and the Academicians' Alley.

Assembly Hall line-up:
► 20.00-21.15 DJ Birddy
► 21.30–22.15 Ivo Linna ja Supernova
► 22.15-22.45 DJ Birddy
► 22.45–00.15 Terminaator 
► 00.15-01.00 DJ Birddy
► 01.00–01.45 nublu
► 01.45–03.00 DJ Birddy

There will also be a Silent Disco, which takes place at the Academicians' Alley. You must have an ID card to redeem your headphones.

► !!! The age restriction for the Campus Party afterparty is 18+ !!! ►


►►ESPECIALLY EARLY TIPIKAS (tickets until 02.09.2021 23:59)

  • university student - 18€
  • university staff - 20€
  • alumni/partner of TalTech and Tehnopol staff - 20€
  • guest - 25€
    ►►EARLY TIPIKAS (tickets from 03.09.2021 to 08.09.2021 23:59)
  • university student - 23€
  • university staff - 25€
  • alumni/partner of TalTech and Tehnopol staff - 25€
  • guest - 30€
    ►►TIPIKAS (tickets on 09.09.2021)
  • TalTech student, alumni, staff, partner and Tehnopol staff - 30€
  • guest - 35€

The tickets of the afterparty are exchanged for wristbands on site:
► 11.00–19.00 in the lobby of the Main building
► 19.00–03.00 in front of the Main building

The afterparty if foremost for the students, staff, alumni and the partners of TalTech. 

NB! The organisers reserve the right to make alterations to the programme or the list of performers.

Further information:

Tallinn University of Technology • Ehitajate tee 5, Estonia

Google Map of Ehitajate tee 5, Estonia

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool