Ayrshire Wildlife Recorders' Gathering 2025

Saturday 5. April at 09:00 - 13:00

Talks and displays in the morning. Optional walk in the afternoon.

Troon Town Hall and Walker Hall • Municipal Buildings, South Beach, KA10 6EF Troon, Scotland, United Kingdom


South West Scotland Environmental Information Centre (SWSEIC) is pleased to invite local wildlife recorders and wildlife enthusiasts to our Ayrshire Wildlife Recorders' Gathering in Troon on Saturday 5th April 2025. The event will be an informal morning of talks and presentations about various aspects of wildlife and habitats in SW Scotland, followed by an optional afternoon walk.

Indoor programme

The presentations will cover a variety of different aspects of the region's flora and fauna. The full list of topics/speakers is still to be confirmed but will include a talk on monitoring of Ayrshire pollinators and an update from SWSEIC staff on last years' activities and finds and plans for 2025. As usual we will incorporate a short quiz and a raffle.

Time Activity
0900 Arrival
0945 Welcome
0955 Pollinators (Lorna Cole)
1020 Cemetery Wildlife Watch (Per Smiseth)
1045 Questions
1055 Refreshments
1130 Wildlife recording and museums (Robyn Haggard)
1200 SWSEIC update
1225 Quiz/Raffle
1250 Closing remarks
1300 End of indoor session

A final agenda will be circulated to attendees before the event.

Tickets cost £5 and will help to cover venue hire and refreshments.

Teas, coffees and biscuits will be provided on arrival and in the morning session break, but please note that lunch is NOT provided. Participants choosing to stay on for the afternoon walk must bring their own packed lunch.

There may some opportunities for local groups to put up a display/poster at the event. Please contact SWSEIC beforehand to discuss.

Afternoon excursion (optional, no additional charge)

Troon coast guided walk - c. 2-2.5 miles max

SWSEIC staff will be joined by local birdwatcher and BTO volunteer Jim Galbraith for an afternoon walk along the Troon coast looking at shoreline wildlife and coastal birds. Weather dependent. Places limited, first come first served.


The event will be held at The Walker Hall in Troon. Troon Concert and Walker Halls are set in the Municipal Building overlooking the Firth of Clyde (KA10 6EF). The Hall is situated on the main town bus routes and is a short walk from the train station.


Ample car parking is available in the free South Beach Road car park adjacent to the venue (NS32163080).

SWSEIC is part of The Southern Uplands Partnership, a rural development charity, working with local people, communities and businesses to make sustainable use of our natural and cultural heritage.

SWSEIC is also grateful for the continued funding and support from NatureScot.

Troon Town Hall and Walker Hall • Municipal Buildings, South Beach, KA10 6EF Troon, Scotland, United Kingdom

Google Map of Municipal Buildings, South Beach, KA10 6EF Troon, Scotland, United Kingdom

For further information contact Mark Pollitt or Malcolm Haddow at SWSEIC

01387 760274
