Average Cat Lady - stand-up comedy by Sandra Tiitson

Tuesday 27. August 2024 at 20:00 - 21:00

Ratas&Kohv, Tallinn

Online ticket sales has ended

Proudly presented by the Tallinn Fringe Festival


Performer: Sandra Tiitson
Genre: Stand-up comedy
Language: English
Duration: 50 min
Tickets: from €8
Early bird until 01.08: €8
Regular: €10
At the door: €15 cash
Supporter: €20
World premiere

What makes a cat lady average? Messy relationships, cats (duh), and ageing without grace. This show comes packed with the best bits from your favourite cat lady, compiled from the juiciest tales and punchlines across years of Sandra's performances. And yes, the cat on the poster is hers and as Sandra's a millennial the cat has his own Instagram @a.cat.named.little.cato

Sandra Tiitson is one of the founders of Pussy Jam Comedy, she's the one with the colorful hair. She's the first Estonian to make it to UK's Funny Women Stage award semi-finals in 2023. Sandra started her stand up journey in Luxembourg back in 2019, continued doing comedy in Amsterdam until she moved back to Tallinn in 2021 and who knows where she'll be next... so don't miss this opportunity to catch her show before she's famous!

Supporting acts
August 26: Ann Vaida
August 27: Sille-Kadri Simer
September 2nd: Maria Sepp

Visuals: Jana Levitina

Ratas&Kohv • Paldiski mnt 6710614 Tallinn, 10614 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Google Map of Paldiski mnt 6710614 Tallinn, 10614 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Sandra Tiitson
