That was my time, now what? An artist resilience workshop with Alexandra Neves

Sunday 14. April at 15:00 - 17:00

Restaurant QoSQo Ville • Place d'Armes 15, 1136 Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Online ticket sales has ended.

Getting up on stage to perform is daunting enough. But what about afterwards? What goes through your mind after you hand the mic back to the MC, and step off stage?

Doing stand-up can create a lot of anxiety for comedians, which can sometimes become an obstacle to achieving their desired outcome. Anxiety can arise from feeling exposed, worrying what others will think, from fear of success, from bombing, or letting themselves or others down.

This workshop, which is open to feminists of any gender, will help you learn to manage your emotions and develop relaxation and self-soothing techniques to process the after-stage anxiety.

In this workshop you will:

  • How to objectively evaluate your performance;
  • how to integrate feedback;
  • how to find the silver lining of from a performance that you felt wasn’t your best.

I will give you a set of tools for relaxing, integrating and finding respite after your
performance, thus developing more self-confidence and resilience.

These are transferable skills that can positively impact your stage presence, but also your professional and personal life.

About the instructor:

Alexandra is a psychologist and has over 20 years of experience in training, personal development, and coaching. Alexandra specializes on mental health coaching, imposter syndrome, overcoming self-sabotage, and gender equity. A newcomer to the comedy world, she has been doing stand-up for over a year, and discovering the positive effects comedy can have on mental health – and the positive effects mental health can have in comedy!
This is the second workshop that Alexandra has given for Festrogen Festival.
Learn more about Alexandra here

This workshop is part of Festrogen, a women-centric, multi-part comedy festival hosted in Luxembourg.

If you are neurodivergent and considering comedy but have questions about the set up of workshops or shows, please reach out.
We also offer discounts to our show tickets for students and people on a low-income and we have a few scholarship places on our workshops. In either case, email us at [email protected]
Festrogen Festival is organised with the generous support of our partners: the Ville de Luxembourg, Culture Ministry, Qosqo, Le Croque Bedaine, Rosa Letzebuerg, the Rainbow Center, Girls in Tech and Mind Tree Coaching.

Restaurant QoSQo Ville • Place d'Armes 15, 1136 Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Google Map of Place d'Armes 15, 1136 Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg