Ensemble U: "Vana-aasta uue muusika kontsert"

Friday 29. December 2023 at 18:00 - 20:00

Estonian Centre of Contemporary Music • Pühavaimu 9, 10123 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Online ticket sales has ended

Contemporary music concert to celebrate the end of the 2023!
The evening has a special jubilee atmosphere this year and looks back at the past 20 years, both through music and funny incidents.

Location: Estonian Centre of Contemporary Music, Pühavaimu st 9, Tallinn

Program of the evening:
Cornelius Cardew "Founding of the Party"
Ansambel U: Publikuorkester: PLAY!
Pierre Boulez "Dérive 1"
Steve Reich "Pendulum Music"

Ensemble U: is currently the most active and renowned contemporary music ensemble in Estonia. It has gained recognition for its ability to perform even the most demanding works without conductor, openness for bold experimental ideas and sensitivity for sound. U: celebrates its 20th birthday in the season of 2023/2024.

Graphic design: Tuuli Aule
The concert is supported by Estonian Ministry of Culture and Cultural Enowment of Estonia.

Estonian Centre of Contemporary Music • Pühavaimu 9, 10123 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Google Map of Pühavaimu 9, 10123 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Ansambel U:
