Ensemble U: concert

Wednesday 29. December 2021 at 18:00 - 19:30

Eesti Ajaloomuuseum - Suurgildi hoone • Pikk 17, 10123 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

All tickets have been sold out

Contemporary music concert.

Program of the evening:
Claude Vivier (1948-1983) Paramirabo (1978) for flute, violin, violoncello and piano
Morton Feldman (1926-87) Four Instruments (1965) for violin, violoncello, pimo and percussion
Lepo Sumera (1950-2000) Dracula ja Zombi laps (1993, Katke. the version premiere)
Sander Saarmets (1985) Confluence (2021) for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello, percussion and electoronics.

Ensemble U: (Tarmo Johannes – flute, Helena Tuuling – clarinet, Merje Roomere – violin, Levi-Danel Mägila – violoncello, Taavi Kerikmäe – piano, Vambola Krigul - percussion) is the most active and renowned contemporary music ensemble in Estonia.
The collective boasts a sensitive sound, willingness to experiment with bold new ideas and the ability to perform even the most demanding repertoire without a conductor. U: has performed both in Estonia and at important international festivals abroad. Their repertoire covers the classics of contemporary music as well as experimental compositions. Among other things, the ensemble focuses on performing compositions that require improvisation and irregular interpretation of notation. The ensemble plays Estonian music and also commissions compositions from foreign composers.

Eesti Ajaloomuuseum - Suurgildi hoone • Pikk 17, 10123 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Google Map of Pikk 17, 10123 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Ansambel U:
