Kirte Jõesaar "At Your Service"

Saturday 4. May 2024 at 19:30 - 21:00

Kanuti Gildi SAAL • Pühavaimu 5, 10133 Tallinn, Harju, Estonia

All tickets have been sold out

rest your head on my lap

I want to file your nails
and sing you to sleep

feed you vegetable soup
peel off the wallpaper in your living room
help you put your coat on
and bend over to
take off your shoes

I will fix your leaking tap
pierce your ears
sort your trash
count your steps
rinse your laundry

I want to iron your socks

scrub your bathtub with bleach

find your keys

let me serve you

I think you want it, too

Kirte Jõesaar (1996) is a dance and performance artist from Estonia, currently based in Tallinn. She graduated from the Tartu University Viljandi Culture Academy in 2021 and studied as an exchange student at the Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT). Currently, she is completing her MA studies in Contemporary Physical Performance Making at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.

Drawing inspiration mostly from everyday observations, she seeks to capture what makes life so tragic, absurd and beautiful by expanding the familiar and generalising the particular. More recently, she has been practising serving and comforting, exploring (im-)possibilities of intimacy and unfolding power dynamics. She is fascinated by the friction between the clinical, capitalist, professional, artificial and the caring, sincere and empathetic. She likes to imagine herself as an expert and cultivate expertise in unfamiliar fields.

Recent work includes the performance ‘Olmeoopus neljale kehale’, a solo work ‘private negotiations’ and one-to-one encounters at the ‘Office of Consolation’.

Author-director: Kirte Jõesaar
Sound design: Kärt Männa, Kymbali Williams

Scenography: Natali Mällo, Karolin Poska
Lighting Design: Kärt Karro
Performers: Sofia Filippou, Rebecca Green, Liisamari Viik

Co-production: Kanuti Gildi SAAL and Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
Supported by: Estonian Cultural Endowment
Premiere: 2.05.2024, Kanuti Gildi SAAL, Cellar Hall

In English
Duration: 75’

Kanuti Gildi SAAL • Pühavaimu 5, 10133 Tallinn, Harju, Estonia

Google Map of Pühavaimu 5, 10133 Tallinn, Harju, Estonia

Kanuti Gildi SAAL