Tuesday 25. February at 19:30 - 21:00 GMT
What factors have influenced woodland formation in Dumfries & Galloway over the years and how has this changed over time?
Using maps from across the region, the Dumfries Archival Mapping Project (DAMP) master map-hunter Archie McConnel will be identifying trends in old woodland formation, using historic felling contracts to consider the utilisation of timber throughout D&G, exploring the use of timber in construction and buildings, debating the impact of transport costs on old woodland development, and considering how our region compares to others.
Considering technology developments and current affairs through history, there will be a chance for broader discussion and questions from the audience.
The partnership the world has been waiting for: Dumfries & Galloway Woodlands and Dumfries Archival Mapping Project (DAMP) come together in this online event. Dumfries & Galloway Woodlands (SCIO 052525) is a new membership organisation supporting trees, woodlands and the people that depend upon them in the region. Partners include Dumfries & Galloway Council, Borders Forest Trust, Woodland Trust Scotland, The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Scottish Forestry. For more information, visit www.dgwoodlands.org.uk.
Image: The vignette is from a Joseph Udny map of 1786 https://maps.nls.uk/view/248571079