Wednesday 29. May 2024 at 17:00
Peiking II, Lagos
Local choir Cantus Nortada, other guests and musicians will be performing a spring concert with all proceeds going to support Algarve Families in Need.
Algarve Families in Need is a registered charity providing support for people returning to work, victims of Domestic Violence and families at risk of children being taken into care owing to lack of resources.
We take great care to ensure that requests are genuine and donations are fairly distributed to those families in need. In fact, co-ordination is the primary challenge and because trust is paramount, we are committed to the effective management of the generous donations we are offered and routinely protect the identity of both our donors and our families.
You can read more about us and/or make a donation on our website
Peiking II • R. Fernão Vilarinho 18, 8600-315 Lagos, Faro, Portugal