Dr. Albrecht Mahr constellation workshop: Systemic Constellation Work as a spiritual practice

Saturday 10. August 2024 at 10:00 - 18:00

Hestia Hotel Europa (Conference Centre) • Paadi 5, 10151 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Online ticket sales has ended

Dr Albrecht Mahr's systemic Constellation Workshop is for people who are at a very important phase in their lives and who are seeking a deeper understanding of their life situation: their relationship with themselves, the people they live and work with, their profession, health, socio-political environment or professional vocation. The workshop allows participants to experience and explore their own heart desires and to support each other in a safe and supportive environment.

At the focus of this workshop is a spiritual mindset: we see our biographically developed personality as a jewel, reflecting through its aspects the primordial aspects of our being. Healing the wounds of our personality is born out of what has always been intact within us - our innate nature.
If there are political questions, we will also look into these issues.

Dr. Albrecht Mahr is an internationally well-known and respected constellator of systemic work, who considers the spiritual aspect to be important in his work and who began to use a systemic view also in political questions. He is a first-generation constellator with long experience, who has contributed to systemic work in Germany and worldwide.
Dr. Albrecht Mahr will illustrate his workshop with a lot of work on everyday situations.

Anyone interested in finding a new perspective on the challenges of their life, a new direction and a way to move forward is welcome. As well as therapists, constellators and anyone interested in a deeper understanding of life.

BUY A TICKET: https://fienta.com/albrecht-mahr

The constellation method is used today in many different areas of life, including organizational constellations, juridical issues, medicine, family therapy, personal development. The Constellation Method is suitable for working with mental and physical illnesses, trauma, depression, parent-child relationships, relationship conflicts, addictions, fears and phobias, unexplained causes of ill feelings, etc. It can also be used to deal with work-related, economic, juridical and success-related issues. The constellation will bring to the surface subconscious feelings that affect us unconsciously: repressed feelings, inherited patterns of behaviour, unconscious attachments, hidden guilt, fears and phobias etc.

Dr. Albrecht Mahr is a medical doctor, an expert in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and systems therapy. Married to Brigitta Mahr, father of two adult children.

  • He is the founder and President of ISAIL - Institute for Systems Constellations and Integrative Solutions in Würzburg, Germany, offering family and system constellation work and continuing training in Germany and internationally.
  • He also organizes international conferences on systemic perspectives on conflict resolution in large groups, in the series "Fields of Conflict - Fields of Wisdom".
  • He is President of the International Working Group on Systemic Solutions 2008-2011.
  • Co-founder of ISCA - International Systemic Constellations Association.
  • iFPC - Founder and President of the International Forum Political Constellations, providing systemic counselling, supervision and therapy to political clients.
  • Co-founder of "FAB - Friendship Across Borders", co-founded by his wife Brigitta - a trialogue educational "peace bearer programme" for young adult Israelis, Palestinians and Germans.
  • Lecturer in the Master of Peace Studies programme at the University of Innsbruck, UNESCO Chair in Peace Studies, since 2006 teaching Systemic Constellation Work as a method for conflict transformation.
  • Since 2008, a lecturer at the IAPI - Institut Africain pour la Psychologie Intégrale in Kigali, Rwanda, she teaches systemic constellation work in the community-based programme "Guérir les blessures de la vie" (Healing the wounds of life).
  • In 2010, presentation at the EU session "From Reactive Diplomacy to Preventive Diplomacy" on "Preventing mass human rights violations through policy constellations and related approaches".
  • For 11 years trainer of the Ridhwan Approach, a combination of psychoanalytically oriented depth psychology and non-denominational spirituality.
  • Dr. Albrecht Mahr is the author of numerous constellation texts and articles.
  • He is also the author of two books : "Konfliktfelder - Wissende Felder, Systemaufstellungen in der Friedens- und Versöhnungsarbeit" “Fields of Conflict – Field of Wisdom” – Systemic Constellation Work in Peace and Reconciliation Work“, Germany 2003)"). and "Von den Illusionen einer unbeschbeschwerten Kindheit und dem Glück, erwachsen zu sein" (“On the illusions of a carefree childhood and the luck of being adult.” 2016) .

His website: https://mahrsysteme.de


Purchase of tickets until July 14 €125
Ticket purchase from July 15 €145
Ticket purchase from August 1 €165

The price includes tea, coffee and a snack during the breaks. Lunch is not included.

DATE AND TIME: August 10, 2024 (Saturday) 10.00-18.00.

LOCATION: Hestia Hotel Europa, Paadi 5 Tallinn

LANGUAGE: in English (with translation into Estonian)

ADDITIONAL INFO: Kadri Riisik, tel. +372 52 76 247, kadri@empaat.ee.


Hestia Hotel Europa (Conference Centre) • Paadi 5, 10151 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Google Map of Paadi 5, 10151 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Eesti Konstellatsioonide Instituut
