White emigration

Sunday 10. December 2023 at 19:00 - 21:00

SmArt.Point • Baizakov Street 280, 050040 Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Online ticket sales has ended.

On December 10 at 7:00 PM in Almaty, there will be a lecture on "White emigration" conducted by Andrey Aksenov, the author of podcasts "The Sunset of the Empire" and "Time and Money".

Where and why did people flee from Russia 100 years ago? How did they settle in their new place? Some wanted to stay away from politics, while others searched for culprits and argued with each other. They held beauty contests and published newspapers, drove taxis and wrote poems - all while hoping to return home in five years at most.

The lecture will take place on December 10 in Almaty at SmartPoint, located at 280 Baizakova Street.

The lecture will be conducted in Russian.

SmArt.Point • Baizakov Street 280, 050040 Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Google Map of Baizakov Street 280, 050040 Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan

