A Midsummer Night's Dream

Thursday 27. June 2024 at 19:30 - 21:30

Church Hill Theatre • 33 Morningside Road, Scotland, United Kingdom

Online ticket sales has ended

Our production of A Midsummer Night's Dream will take you on a wild woodland adventure.

With a soundtrack of classic 80/90s songs (and clothes to match), this is going to be an epic journey of love, identity, friendship, and so much more.

Set in the late 80s, Hermia must come to terms with either obeying her father's wishes and marrying Demetrius, or following her heart and marrying Helena.

Meanwhile, Oberon and Titania (our hippy fairy King and Queen) have been having an argument in the woods. Oberon looks to conspire with one of the cheekier woodland fairies (Puck) to pull a prank on his dear wife.

We also have our wonderful mechanicals, an "interesting" group of workers from around the kingdom. They have been tasked with putting on a play for a wedding in the city, I'm sure nothing will go wrong...

Come and join us for this magical adventure!

Church Hill Theatre • 33 Morningside Road, Scotland, United Kingdom

Google Map of 33 Morningside Road, Scotland, United Kingdom