3 Solos

Wednesday 8. May at 19:00 - 21:00

Circle in Cube

Online ticket sales has ended.

Join us for a special evening of improvised acoustic music at Circle in Cube hosted by Daylight Project. The rules are simple: three experimental musicians, three solo performances, twenty minutes each. No amplification and no electronics. Just body, instrument, and, of course, the attention and care of you—our dear listeners.

Sakiko Ishii is from Japan but has acquired a bachelor's degree in Finnish kantele from Tampere University under the guidance of Eva Alkula in 2017. During her studies in Finland, her acquaintance with Estonian music began, which has gradually deepened. In 2019, she completed her master's studies at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, focussing on the kannel with Kristi Mühling. Ishii started working with improvisation during her studies at EMTA, and in 2021 she obtained a master's degree in contemporary improvisation. Sakiko Ishii currently works as a kannel teacher and freelance musician in Estonia.

Anne Türnpu, PhD, has been teaching vocal technique and stage speech at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre for over 25 years. She has directed concerts and productions based on folkloric texts in Estonia and in the Handi village theater in Kassõm.

Theodore Parker is a guitarist and improvising electroacoustic musician who focuses on spatial and site-specific projects. He currently works with the Estonian Electronic Music Society Ensemble (EMA) which generates new repertoire for the live performance of electronic music. Theodore is the founder of several improvisational ensembles such as Punkt Nihu and Guerilla Impro. He teaches improvisation at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater and gives lectures on topics related to artistic research.

Daylight Project
