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Exactly That! live στο Ov Off Studio
Άρτεμις Βαβάτσικα: μπαγιάν
Νίκη Κοκκόλη: άλτο.Σαξόφωνο
Δήμητρα Κουστερίδου: ηλεκτρονικά | χειροποίητα κυκλώματα.
Νεφέλη Σταματογιαννοπούλου: κοντραμπάσο| φωνή
Το κουαρτέτο ενώνεται ξανά, μέτα την ηχογράφηση του νέου τους άλμπουμ στο Ov Off studio και θα κάνει μια μοναδική εμφάνιση, με παλαιές και νέες επιτυχίες
-ένα αυτοσχεδιαστικό σετ με βάση τις διαφορετικές οπτικές, υφές και ωσμώσεις . Συνεχίζοντας το πρότζεκτ δημιουργίας ηχητικών ποιημάτων και ιστοριών για καθαρισμό, εξαγνισμό, νεύρα, φαντασιώσεις ,πραγματικότητες και άλλα στοιχεία, θα ακουστούν διαφόρων ειδών προτάσεις, αστεία, εικόνες και φανταστικά τοπία,βγαλμένα όλα από ξύλο, χαλκό, γυαλί, υγρό στοιχείο. Όλα διαλεχτά υλικά, αρχικές πολλαπλότητες οι οποίες αλλάζουν και εμπλουτίζονται από νέες, που θα βρίσκονται ακριβώς εκεί, μπροστά μας!
Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou (or Nefeli Stam.) is a composer, researcher, performance artist and improviser based in Athens. As a composer she has written more than 50 works including compositions for many performances, dance & theater, also music for films, as she has also worked as a director in several projects.
She plays with several groups and has been touring around the world since she was 18 years old. She plays double bass, electric bass, electronics, piano and she is also exploring the limits of the voice. In her last music and stage compositions, the artist, focuses on a personal system of notation and creation, which explore the relationship between music composition, movement and the dramaturgy of sound.
She has been awarded for her work as a composer/musician as well as a sound editor. She has performed on many concert, festival and theatrical halls. She has presented her work and collaborations at the Tittanium Gallery, the Short Film Festival in Drama, the Aeschylean Festival in Eleusina, Eleusis European Capital of Culture, the Performing Arts festival in Limnos, the Theater of N. Kosmos, Kast Theater Istanbul, the Athens Concert Hall ‘Megaron’, the Institute Grotowski in Wroclaw, Odin Teatret Denmark , Athens Epidaurus Festival, National Theater of Greece-Experimental Stage, Art&Science Festival Berlin, Awareness Festival, Nostros Festival 2018, Prague International Music Video Awards, Platforms Project’18, Berlin Art Week, Nez International Film Festival, Garage21 Performing Arts Center, Beton 7, An Club,Gagarin 205, Fuzz Club, Ov Off Studio and more..
On her artistic journey she had the opportunity to play & collaborate with great people, among her permanent collaborations, such as Karl Wilhelm Krbavac, Paul Rogers, Savvina Giannatou, Andreas Mniestris, Pascal Niggenkemper , Patricia Oliver, Stefano Giust, Guiseppe Doronzo, Sheila Jordan and many more artists .
Her music studies started at an early age. After she acquired a certificate from the Royal School of Music with honors, she began her studies at the Department of Music Studies of the Ionian University. She studied at the department of Composition, with specialisation on the Performing Arts, of the Ionian University. She also studied at the graduate department “Composition for Cinema, Theater and Performing Arts”, of the Ionian University, participated for many years in masterclasses/seminars focused on physical theater, voice and composition under the supervision of the Grotowski Institute (PLN), the Song of the Goat Theater (PLN) , L.I.S.P.A. (DE), the Kristin Linklater Voice Centre(UK).
She is also the composer and founder of, among others, the research artistic group Ov Off (Quintet ’84, The Glass Between, αϊζο-the bird-e.t.c),the music group Spooky Redrum, as well as the founder of Ov Off Studio. She is exploring – rhythm, voice- and composition as an instructor and a solo performer.
She is a PhD candidate at the Department of Music Studies of the Ionian University. She teaches seminar courses in Greece and abroad, as well as at the Ionian University as a guest lecturer.
Dimitra Kousteridou(GR) is a multidisciplinary artist, who currently lives and works in Athens, GR. Her Diploma in Art and Design was received from Akto Art and Design College, her Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from the Hanze University|Academy Minerva, Groningen, NL and a Master's degree in Music Composition with New Media from the Musicology of National and Kapodistrian University Athens, GR.
Her work is driven by a desire to invent a language in composition that examines tactile and sound aspects within site-specific art installations, painting and improvisation. Through multidisciplinary forms that include installations, ephemeral situations and fractures of objects, she creates a space for research, while using the sound and aesthetics of the materials in time. Recently working on improvised sound compositions with handmade instruments (interactive handmade synthesizers). She has performed and exhibited in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Libanon and Greece
Nicky Kokkoli was born in 1996, in Athens, Greece. She is an active member of the Greek Jazz and Free improvisational music scene, developing her own solo projects as well as participating in various music ensembles. Nicky has toured and continue to do so in big stages across Europe, in venues such as Fylkingen - Stockholm, Cafe 'Oto – London, and performed in many international music festivals such as Aarhus Jazz Festival - Denmark, Irtijal Festival in Lebanon, and Borderline Festival in Greece.
She has collaborated with the London Improvisers Orchestra and professional musicians, among others: Sofia Jernberg, Maggie Nicols, Lisa Ullén, Christer Bothén, Martin Küchen, Bram De Looze, Sharif Sehnaoui and others.
She is a member of the Swedish-Greek band “Ahanes” which in 2022 released their first album, “Petrichor”, released by “Clean Feed” – a Portuguese record label considered to be one of the most important in the world. The album was selected among the label’s best releases by legendary magazine New York City Jazz Record.
She is currently in the process of releasing her first album with her sextet, while also working on a solo project for saxophone and electronics. She is a graduand with an Integrated Master from the Ionian University of Greece specialized in Jazz saxophone. In parallel to her academic knowledge of Jazz, Nicky explores the limits of the saxophone while playing with contrasts, using melodies and vocabulary from Jazz, Improvised Music, Traditional Music of Greece and the Middle East.
Her vision is to be able to create her own unique music sound based on all musical influences that inspire her, and through her music, to question current political and social issues.
Artemis Vavatsika is a musician and improviser specializing in the accordion. She was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. Her relationship with music started at a young age. She graduated from the Athenaeum Conservatory with an accordion diploma. She has also completed Music B.A. and M.Phil. programs at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki. She has performed in concerts, theatre and opera productions, and festivals in Greece and abroad. She has been improvising on stage since 2018. Collaborations: Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou (Oν Off Studio), Tasos Stamou (London Improvisers Orchestra), Georges Pilali, Stelios Mihas (Grey Studio), Gianni’s Arapis, Stephanos Chytiris, Alexis Porfyriadis, Danae Stefanou, Pascal Niggerkemper, et al.
More info: https://ovoffstudio.gr/event/exactly-that-live-παρ-14-03-2100/
🎟 Προπώληση: ≤ 8 ευρώ
🎟 Στην είσοδο: ≤ 10 ευρώ
tip: Βάλτε τις καλές τις κάλτσες σας!
Ov Off studio • Feidippidou 22, 3rd floor, 115 27 Athens, Attika, Greece